Going Viral

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Will was seated on the counter glaring at his computer when Kate entered cautiously, and he looked up with a scowl, his words dying down from his lips. "Man, you've got to check...Kate." he finished, surprised, and he stared at her as if unable to comprehend that she really was there, standing framed by his doorway.

After a beat, he scrambled off the stool, looking painfully glad and uncertain, and stared at her in consternation with his mouth opening and closing at an attempt to say something. His face flushed.

It struck her that she wasn't the only one nervous about their relationship, and that made her feel marginally better. She recalled how last night she had decided to discover what caused her brother to look so miserable when he thought no one was looking and help him if she could. She stepped inside, smiling tentatively.

"I came by to say hello."

"Good! Please--sit down." he looked around uncertainty, then hurried to a stool and threw a pile of clothes off of it, gesturing to it. She approached it slowly, the distance closing between them, and stopped in front of him. Realizing he was blocking her way, he jumped aside.

She hesitated, then stretched on tiptoes to drop a quick kiss on his cheek. It was cool after a fresh shave and felt unfamiliar, but not unpleasantly so. "Good morning." she smiled.

He flushed, looking touched. "Kate. Good morning." he mumbled. Then squeezed her in a quick hug, almost causing her to choke with force before he jumped back.

She seated herself on the stool and he bustled around the counter, looking for something to do. She studied him, wondering how long it would take for them to learn each other again. Despite all the things that had happened, she had accepted that they could never stop loving each other as siblings. But that didn't negate the fact that they were also strangers.


"Please." she smiled.

He seemed confused for a moment, as if he hadn't prepared for her assent, and then straightened with a sudden thought, "Do you still like pancakes?" he asked in a rush.

"Oh, yes."

"Alright!" he grabbed batter out of the fridge and placed a skillet on the stove, "With chocolate chip?"

"They're the best part!" she said enthusiastically.

"And strawberries."

She beamed.

A grin split his face, "Alright, one pancake coming up!" he poured the pancake on the skillet, his brow furrowed in concentration. He was no master like Luke, but he had done this multiple times in her childhood. The familiar motions had an obvious relaxing effect on him, and his tense shoulders loosened. She stacked her hands under her chin to watch him, and he carefully flipped the pancake, whooping slightly at the perfectly browned top. She cheered.

"Here we go!" he placed two pinches of chocolate chip on the pancake for eyes, and chopped strawberries to make a bloody smiley face as the bottom of the pancake cooked. Once it was done, he slid it off the plate, turning around and placing it in front of her with a flourish. She clapped happily.

Then they glanced up at each other--startled to find each other grown up once more--and the moment came crashing down.

Kate blinked at him, her heart squeezing. His jaw slowly tightened, and pain dulled his blue eye. They both looked down at the pancake again, studying the crooked smiley.

"My God, I fed you awful food." he grunted, grabbing a fork, "Chocolate and strawberries on a burnt goop." he reached forward to snip a burnt bit off of the edge of the pancake, shaking his head with resignation, "Hold on. I'll just order some take out."

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