Giving In -PART 27

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Everything was starting to look okay for the group. The chosen plan was to request one of the Gemstone members into asking Jasper to halt tormenting Peridot. It was to be done at the next concert the Gemstones take place in.

Jasper is currently still in suspension until further notice. Apparently she broke into the school and vandalized on their property.

Every locker was spray painted with a message:


The school cameras luckily caught a glimpse of Jasper's muscular face and took her in.

Peridot would rather not talk about this or think of this situation she's in. So she's been trying to relax her head off ever since they got out of the rooftops.

Although that hasn't been doing too well for her thought sadly.

Two weeks pass by quickly. Although, Peridot and Lapis have been bonding during the given time.


Lapis was resting at Peridot's place. They decided to spend some free time in Peridot's room.

"Are you alright Peridot?"

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