My Kind Of People -PART 5

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{Lapis's POV}

Wow, that nerd really packs a punch huh. She took down Jasper and probably got her expelled. It's her first day here and she already has some enemies. I'm impressed..

I felt terrible doing nothing though, Amethyst was there for her thankfully. Without her,
Peridot would have probably been dead meat by now.

I watch as Amethyst helped the poor girl up, probably terrified. It all happened so quickly, even I didn't expect her to fight back though.

The entire lunchroom is rioting after the event that took place.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning to look who it was.
"Wow Lapis! That girl sure is brave!" One of my friends, Platinum said
I nodded, not wanting to talk. I look at my food, and go back to eating.

{Peridot's POV}

"So umm, do you have any friends? Not trying to be rude or anything." Amethyst exclaimed.

"I'm new so I don't really have any at the moment." I reply back
I don't really feel the need to make any friends. I've only been at this cruddy school for 3 hours and I could tell they're filled with bothersome clods.

"I can be your friend!" Amethyst said excitedly

My eyes widen at the thought of having a friend. I never really had many friends back home either.
"I umm...-"

"Come on! I want you to meet some other people!" She grabs my wrist and drags me to a table across from that Lapis girl. I see four other people sitting there, assuming they're friends of Amethysts.
"Hey guys! I want you to meet Peridot!" She points to me.

".....Hi....." I wave awkwardly

"Hello! I'm Pluto! Nice to meet you!" He held out his hand. He wore a T shirt that said "Nerd In The House" and some shorts. His skin was pale and he has natural red hair.
We shook hands awkwardly.

"The names Rue" She waved at me while winking jokingly. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail. She wore a purple sweatshirt with some ripped shorts.
I wink in return, probably making things for awkward.

She let out a giggle

"Hey, I'm Citrine! You seem really cool!" Citrine said. She had brown highlights and wore some leggings and a light sweater and with some converse, a really simple outfit choice. I like it!

I smiled at her.

"Yo I'm Dalton!" Dalton said softly. He wore a white tanktop with some ripped jeans. He was a little bit tan and he had some dyed red hair. Headphones were on his ears, he was probably listening to some music.

I wave back smiling.

"Take a seat Peri! We don't bite." Amethyst said
I sit down next to Amethyst.

"Guys, have you seen the new episodes of Camp Pining Hearts??" Rue blurted out

Oh. Mueh. Gosh

I have found my kind.

We spent the rest of lunch talking about our interests. Surprisingly, we had a lot in common. I felt closer to the group and I could already tell they're my type of people. I still haven't forgotten about the Jasper "thing" but tried to keep my mind off it.

"Peridot, you should join the gaming club, we're all planning on joining and we could all bond together! It's after school" Dalton suggested

"I might actually do that, I have this big love for retro games! I play video games at home everyday, might as well do it with some friends." I reply

Ring Ring
There's the bell

First, everyone gave me their numbers then said their goodbyes and left.

It's a short chapter, I know. I'll write some more tomorrow! Bye!


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