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  When I wrote this book, I never thought it was going to reach 1,000 views, let alone 10,000!  Thank you all so much for the mass support towards what was at first a mini project, now turned into my first hit.  Your votes and comments really made a difference and have made me continue writing for this wonderful website. 

  Since you guys seem to love spitting on clichés along with me in modern media, I have decided to make a sequel to this wonderful experiment gone right.  The book will feature 100 more clichés we all hate, only with the theme being all fantasy related.  Even though I love that genre of stories, it is immensely flawed, and some of its problems need immediate addressing.  This is my gift to you guys for the mass support, which I'm more than happy to be sharing.  Again thank you, and I'm pretty much speechless on what to say next.

  P.S.  If you like my original content, I am currently writing an original series called The Loins of Society.  It takes the basic idea of humanoid animals, which has been overused in media, but with the twist of making them fill in the roles of human beings and going through hardships that all have wildcard plots.  You will not know what is going to happen next, and I highly recommend it.

A Hundred Cliches That Really Need To DieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant