#72: Seculsion After A Breakup

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  For those who don't know, there is actually a book in the Twilight series that the fans hate.  The book is called New Moon, and it has some of the sappiest writing out there.  Not only are there chapters upon chapters of pointless filler, but the story is not that very well developed.  The entire plot focuses on Edward leaving Bella after he thinks that he is too dangerous for her, which was a fear he established and conquered a whole book before.  Through that dumb choice and the stupid decision to breakup with her in the middle of the woods, Bella enters a pretty bad catatonic state.  However, this state doesn't last the usual few days or even a week.  No, she stays in this depressed state for months, to the point where she really should have seen someone about her problems.  Yeah, she doesn't move on from Edward, despite the fact that they dated for only six months.  It wasn't years or even decades, so why be in this state so darn long?

  Anytime this kind of plot point is mentioned in other romance stories, such as Twilight, I roll my eyes.  Not only is this idea cliche to the core, but it can either make or break a book.  If done right, which is rarely, the character realizes through the pain they have been in that it is time to move on or that they can't stay heartbroken forever.  That allows for the character to then go in a new direction, causing the plot to start getting interesting from the mystery of what is to come.  If done wrong like with New Moon, the story drags on, you really question the character's judgement, and you get frustrated that they haven't moved on.  I've never been in love before, but I would never act in the way Bella did if someone broke up with me.  I'd realize it was never meant to be and move on.  It is that simple!

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