#3: The Mary Sue

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A Mary Sue, according to TV Tropes, is a perfect character with absolutely no character flaws.  She or he is the perfect embodiment of goodness, who is a friend to everyone and is usually the character that is the main love interest.  Also, the term Mary Sue is named after a Spider-Man character with the same name, who was boring to most viewers.  Not only is making a character too perfect unrealistic and annoying, but it is one of the oldest cliches in the book.  No one wants to read a story or watch a show where one of the main characters is a flat goody goody with no extra quirk to make them stand out to the audience.  Basically, think of Bella Swan, but without her flaws of being a klutz and kind of naive being completely gone.  Sounds pretty bad, right?

A Hundred Cliches That Really Need To DieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora