#99: Making The Plot Too Complicated

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  Although it is nice to see a lot of effort put into making a story, there is such a thing as adding too much to it.  What I mean by this is making the plot way too complicated for a normal person to understand.  You might get critical acclaim for doing this, but your fan base will become limited to the few people who can understand what you are trying to say.  That is why movies like Lincoln, which won a ton of awards, isn't talked about too much.  Most people won't understand the complicated measures it took the President in the film to pass the emancipation proclamation and all the Senate meetings that took place to even get the bill approved.  Sometimes being more down to Earth with your audience is better than trying to show off your intelligence.  It is sad that overcomplicating a plot is indeed a bad cliche, but it is just a fact.  There are still ways to go around this cliche, but you have to do it in ways the audience will understand.

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