#92: Ignoring Fans

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  As nice as it is to feel confident in your own work, it isn't good to ignore your fan base to gain this confidence.  Fans are what helps your series stay alive, as their views helps you to continue the story without interruption.  They are also the reason why your series gets attention, as they spread the word about your work to their friends and through online conversations.  Without them, you wouldn't be as far as you are as an creator of any form of media.  That is why I find the cliche of authors ignoring their fans to be so offensive.  It is basically biting the hand that feeds you and makes you look bad as a person.  That is why listening to some of the fans' recommendations is a good thing.  Not only will your fans love you more for not blocking them out, but your series may improve from what they recommend.  If you still don't believe me on this claim, just look at the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Due to the creator listening to the fans, the most popular character Spike was made into a main character and not killed off like the creator originally intended. 

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