#54: Disrespecting Someone's Interests

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  How many times have you seen some type of rude parody on bronies in the last three years?  If your answer is more than ten times, then you know the discrimination bronies go through just for liking a show.  The same goes for many other people, who are insulted for liking certain media.  Every fan base has this happen to them unfortunately, and it is sadly translated in other media.  It is a vicious cycle that really should end.  Not only is this one of the worst cliches out there, but people have actually gotten hurt in real life for these types of things.  Take for example that Steven Universe fan that barely killed themselves all because people didn't like their fan art for the show, and cyber bullied the poor teen.  Why don't more stories focus on what makes certain fan bases great, or better yet show that it is okay to like something other people don't.  I really just want justice for these poor people.  They have really been through Hell and back with horrible cyber bullying or insults from their peers.

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