#65: The Truth Will Set You Free

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  Surprisingly, this very message is pretty cliche and misguided.  The reason it is cliche is due to the overwhelming amount of writers that use this moral in their stories.  All these authors want to help inspire their audiences any way they can, so they think that by stating telling the truth all the time is a good idea, it will help sell copies of their work.  However, these authors are playing it way too safe.  Telling the truth all of the time in real life can be quite honestly quite harmful.  Sure, telling the truth about your involvement with breaking a rule and not eating your vegetables are good things to do.  Telling your friend that she truthfully is a bit chubby or telling someone you honestly hate them aren't good times to tell the truth.  Sometimes, a white lie here and there actually is better than telling the outright truth.  Truth, if used wrong, can end up hurting a lot of people.  That is why I propose that authors stop using this moral as often as they do in their stories.  Instead, they should focus on when morally it is good to tell the truth, or when you have no choice but to tell a lie to protect someone.  As wrong as it sounds, lying sometimes is a good thing, just not of course all the time.

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