Chapter 26

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  It has been a month since that day in the cafe and now Alec is leaving constantly, I barely ever see him anymore. When I do see him, its just in the halls of the castle, he doesn't even stop to acknowledge me. I've tried starting conversations with him and he doesn't even answer completely, mainly just yes or no answers.
I've tried talking to Jane about it but she insists that she knows nothing about his absences, and I believe her. We are all as confused as I am when it comes to Alec.

"But who was she?" I asked Jane as I sat in her room. Alec had left yet again, no surprise there, and I had gone to Jane's room because I would go crazy if I didn't talk to someone about it.

"I met her decades ago, she's so irritating, I hate her. I wanted to kill her the day that Alec brought her to meet me but Alec made me swear that I would not hurt her." Jane told me, sitting down next to me after hanging some of her clothes up.

"How does Alec know her?" I asked, turning to face her.

"They dated a really long time ago. Alec was so love struck that he would've probably killed for her." I felt a pang of jealousy, she's his ex-girlfriend. Jane sensed my change in attitude and quickly tried to cover it up. "That was decades ago, Kenzi, don't worry. When he met you, I knew that he was truely in love, and I don't have the urge to kill you, I like you. You make my brother happy."

"If he was truly in love with me, he wouldn't have blown me off like he did." I mumbled as I picked at my nails, something that I found myself doing often.

"He will come around, I'm sure of it. I believe that Master is just sending him on individual missions, just like he does with Demetri occasionally."

"Yeah, occasionally." I made sure to emphasize the occasionally because Alec was not just leaving occasionally, he was leaving almost every single day.

Jane sighed and there was a knock at her door. She got up and opened it to reveal the one and only, Alec Volturi. "Sister, I need to speak to you about something important." He glanced over her and saw me sitting on the bed before gazing down at her. "In private." Those two words irritated the shit out of me as I got up and headed out.

"Don't worry, I was just leaving. Oh and by the way, Alec, I need to speak to you about something important in private." I told him through gritted teeth before going up to my room and doing the thing that Sam hated the most, I slammed my door. Sam would know what to do, I thought to myself as I let out an exasperated sigh before throwing myself onto my bed, thinking about what I was going to say to Alec.

I must've been thinking so hard that I had fallen asleep because I woke up startled to the sound of knocking on my door. "Kenzi, you said that you wished to speak to me, open the door." Alec's irritated voice filled my ears and I wanted to punch him in that instant but instead, I opened the door wide enough to let him inside. "What did you want to see me for?"

"Alec, you've been gone the past month, I barely ever see you and when I do, you ignore me. I'm starting to think that you don't even want me to be around anymore. What's going on with you? Why do you always leave, I just, I need to know?" I looked into his ruby red orbs that once held warmth but were now ice cold.

"Its nothing that you have to worry about." He turned to leave but I stopped him, annoyed that he was blowing me off yet again.

"No, you can't keep leaving like this and avoiding my questions, Alec. Just tell me the truth! Do you leave to go see Venus? Tell me the truth." I held a strong grip on his forearm to ensure that he'd stay but he just looked away from me.

"I told you not to worry, stop asking so many questions. I must go, Master is calling me." With that, he left me standing there alone, like always.

It's driving me crazy trying to figure out what's going on with him. The person who, just a month ago, was holding me and telling me how much he loved me and he would actually look at me. Now he's just empty and I have no idea how to fix it. I knew that Venus had something to do with it, the way that Alec just jumped at the opportunity to leave with her gave me a feeling that he wasn't completely over her, I just needed to know why.

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