Chapter 4

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"Jane, Alec, show Kenzi-Grace to her room." Aro ordered as soon as we entered the castle. It was humongous but dark and cold.

"Come, mutt." Jane said, turning around and walking quickly through a door way with Alec.

"I have a name, it's Kenzi-Grace, so use it." I spat at her. Who did she think she was? I'm not a fucking mutt.

"This will be your room, Kenzi-Grace." Jane told me, opening the door to another stone room. It was a bedroom, my bedroom. It was larger than the one that I had back home but it was cold, uncomfortable.

"Thanks I guess." I mumbled more to myself than anyone else.

"Well, we will leave you to yourself. Dinner will be brought to you in a few hours." Jane said before turning around and walking out, Alec following close behind.

I walked around the large room, instantly missing my  small room back home. I missed the paper thin walls where you could hear every little footstep, no matter how quiet. I missed my bed with the blanket that my mom made me before she passed. I missed the pictures that I had with my parents and Sam.

Looking over at the bed, I realized that it could fit my entire family on it, and it was cold, just like the rest of this goddamn castle. I want my old bed, it was small but warm and cozy. What the hell did I get myself into? This is for Renesmee, and my family. It was the only way to keep them safe.

"So you're the dog that they brought in to keep as a pet." I looked up and saw two men standing by the door, both tall with dark hair, pale skin, and red eyes.

"I'm not a dog, what is up with you people calling me that?" I sighed in frustration, it's not my fault that I was born into the tribe, it wasn't my choice.

"You have to admit, she does have a sweeter scent than the others, it's not as horrible." The other man said.

"Who are you anyway?" I asked, getting up to face them.

"I'm Demetri, this is Felix. Welcome to the Volturi." The one that had spoken first, said.

"Wow, that's the first welcome that I've gotten since I got here."

"Better late than never, right?" A smirk appeared on Demetri's face and I couldn't help but smile.

"Why am I here anyway? It doesn't seem like I'm welcome here, especially not by Jane."

"Jane tends to be like that towards people, especially if it involves her brother." Felix answered me.

"Her brother? What do I have to do with her brother?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, is that why they brought me here?

"You'll find out soon enough. Oh look, here comes Jane with your dinner. We'll see you later Kenzi-Grace." Demetri smirked before him and Felix disappeared, Jane soon taking their place.

"Here's your dinner, we had one of the humans make it." Jane said as she placed the tray with food on the desk at the front of the room.

"Thanks." I got up to see what it was and I felt Jane's eyes burn into my back. It was a plain turkey sandwich and a water. "It's cold, just like everything else here." I mumbled to myself, knowing very well that Jane could hear me.

"Everything besides you, mutt."

"What the hell is your problem?" I shouted at her, pushing her against the wall.

"Get your hands off of me, dog." Jane pushed me off of her and her strength sent me flying across the room, my back hitting the opposite wall before I fell to the ground.

I lunged towards her and knocked her to the ground, I put my arms around her neck and held her down with all of my strength before she pushed me off of her again, my body slamming onto the desk and breaking it.

"What's going on here?" Demetri's voice was faint as I tried to get up but couldn't.

I could feel my vision go blurry and I was getting light headed. I heard Jane faintly say 'pain' before my entire body felt like it was on fire. My screams filled the room as I curled up. Edward warned us about this. It's all a mind game. I tried my best to tell myself this, to convince myself that it wasn't real, but between the burning pain and the physical pain that I was feeling, it was hard to tell them apart. I let out another frustrated scream before hearing a voice that I hadn't heard before.

"Jane stop it!" There was a loud thud and then the pain stopped in an instant. I was still lying on the floor, unable to see or hear anything correctly.

"She's losing a lot of blood, we need to get her to a doctor." Demetri's voice was faint compared to the ringing in my ears. "Get Alec away from here, he won't be able to control himself."

"Alec, let's go, you don't want to hurt her. Jane, you too, you've done enough." Felix's voice was the last thing that I heard before I drifted off into the darkness.

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