Chapter 18

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We walked onto the plane, hand in hand and took our seats in first class. Alec had gotten us tickets for the next flight to Seattle and I couldn't be happier. I'll be able to see my brother soon along with the rest of my family. I hope nothing has changed, I've been gone for so long and it feels like its been a lifetime since I've been home.

I leaned my head on Alec's shoulder as the plane began to fill up with people. I looked up at him only to realize that he was already staring at me.

"You're so beautiful, everything about you is so beautiful." He said as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Remember when that was us?" An elderly woman's voice filled my ears.

"Ah, young love. It truly is a magnificent sight." I looked over to see an old couple standing in the aisle looking at us. I smiled at them and noticed the way that the man looked at his wife.

"If only that could be us one day, but, I would rather spend forever with you." I told Alec as I intertwined our fingers.

"I have waited centuries for you, I don't want to lose you that quickly."

"You won't. I won't leave you as long as you never leave me."

"I would never leave you, my love." Alec kissed the top of my head as I stayed close to him. "Now sleep, we have a long flight ahead of us." I did as he said and got comfortable in Alec's arms.


I woke up in a car and realized that I had slept more than the entire flight here. I looked around and realized that Alec was next to me, driving towards La Push.

"How much longer until we're there?" I asked.

"Just a few more minutes, love." I smiled and looked out of the window as we passed through town and kept going until there was just trees. I nearly jumped out of the car when I saw my brother's house in the distance.

Once he stopped the car, I ran out and into my house. The smell of freshly made food filled my nose as I entered the kitchen and practically jumped on Emily.

"Em! I missed you so much!" I exclaimed as I hugged her.

"Kenzi! What a surprise!" Emily held me tight before a panicked voice broke our embrace.

"Emily! Emily are you okay?" Sam's voice was heard from far away as he ran quickly towards the house. "I smelled a-" He stopped talking once he saw me standing with Emily beside me and Alec behind me. "Kenzi."

I ran up to him and hugged him as he was still in shock. "I missed you." I whispered into his chest as he slowly wrapped his arms around me.

"Why-why are you..."

"Alec brought me to see you, all of you. I missed you guys." I looked up at him with a smile on my face.

"How long are you staying?"

"Two weeks." Alec answered for me.

"We'll have to make the best of it." I replied, smiling. It had been so long since I've been with my family and it was nice to be back, especially with Alec by my side.


"Hey! That's not fair! We should've won!" I yelled out. We were on the beach playing football and I swear, when Paul and I are on opposite teams, World War 3 happens.

"Face it, Uley, we won!" Paul yelled back at me.

"Rematch!" I waved my hands up in the air as I walked towards Paul. "You're going to get your ass kicked."

"That's what you said last time but look who won!" Paul replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and walked back towards my team. We had taught Alec how to play and he was surprisingly really good at it, he was on my team of course, along with Seth, Jake, Collin, and Leah.

"We're going to beat them this time, even if we have to cheat like they did, got it?" I looked around at all of them, but my eye caught something in the distance that made a smile spread on my face. "Nessie!" I ran towards her and hugged her. She had come to the beach, along with the rest of the Cullens.

"Kenzi! Jake told me that you were back!" I let go of her and took a minute to really look at her. She had grown so much, she looked my age now.

"You're grown so much! I still remember the day that I left for Volterra, you were tiny." I smiled at her. Ness wasn't a little girl anymore, she had grown up.

"Thank you, for protecting me. I'm sorry that you had to go what you went through just to save me." Nessie looked at her hands but I immediately put my hand on her shoulder and told her that it was okay.

"We're playing football, do you guys want to join?" I asked them.

"Sure, why not?" Emmett answered for them before I led them to where we were playing.

"We've got more players! Paul, take your pick." I added Emmett, Alice, Nessie, and Jasper to my team while Paul had Carlisle, Esme, Bella, and Edward and Rose.

We played until we ended up in a 'tie.'

"We won and you know it!" Jake said, we were arguing over who should've won, which had obviously been my team.

"No, it was a tie!"

"It wasn't a tie, idiot, we won!" I got up in Paul's face, he hated to lose, and so did I.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes before turning around and walking away.

"Awe, is Paul upset?" I mocked him.

"Shut it, Uley."

"How about some pizza to take the pain of LOSING off?" There were several 'yeah's from the guys after I said this and Paul actually turned around to face me, barely nodding. "Okay, but you're buying!" I told him and he sighed before shaking his head and letting out a chuckle.

"I think we may call it a night. It was nice seeing all of you, and its great to have you back, Kenzi." Carlisle told us.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow! I missed all of you!" I went and hugged every one of them before they left.

We all ran back to my house where Paul ordered the pizza and when it arrived, he paid for it. The kitchen table was packed with pizza boxes as we all sat around eating it all and laughing. Alec was having fun too, and I was happy because of that. Its really important to me, that he gets along with my family and that my family gets along with him, despite the fact that he's a vampire.

The guys stayed until around 2 in the morning, leaving tired and full of pizza. After saying good night to my brother, I walked into my room where Alec was already laying on my bed, looking at a picture of my family and me.

"Were these your parents?" He asked as I laid down next to him, pulling the blankets over my body.

"Yeah." I replied, yawning and then studying the picture. It was a photo of my parents, Sam, and me at the beach. We were little, I had to be around three or four years old, Sam was about seven or eight.

"You look just like your mother. You both are beautiful."

"She was beautiful, I really miss her. What happened to her and my dad was terrible but I guess that everything happens for a reason, just like us." I smiled at him, despite losing my mother, I had gained a person who loved me just as much, and I will forever be thankful for that.

"Get some sleep, love. I'll be here when you wake up." I nodded and cuddled into Alec's side before falling into a world of dreams and darkness.

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