Chapter 21

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I woke up and saw Sam walk into my room holding a mug. Alec was laying next to me, watching me. 

"Hey Kenz, how're you feeling? I brought you some hot chocolate." Sam handed me the mug after Alec had helped me sit up. My head was pounding and my eyes were probably red and puffy from crying. 

"I could be better." I replied, taking a sip from my hot chocolate. "Thank you for the hot chocolate."

"Emily is making pancakes, do you want some?" I simply nodded before getting out of bed. I placed the hot chocolate on my nightstand and walked into the bathroom. 

"I think we may stay another week or so. I don't want her to fly back to Italy in this state. She needs her family." Alec's voice was soft but loud enough for me to hear. 

"She needs you here as much as she needs us. I'm glad that she has you." Sam's words went through my head as I looked in the bathroom mirror. I looked like a mess and my appearance immediately brought back memories of past events.

I shook the thoughts from my head as I stepped into the shower and cleaned the tears from my cheeks, hoping to wash away the sadness and confusion that I felt. I still hadn't completely processed what had happened yesterday but I don't think that I want to. That man claiming to be my father left my brother and me when we were kids. He wanted nothing to do with us but now he comes back, claiming that he does. Its all so confusing to me as to why he would come now? Why not sooner?

I left the bathroom that connected to my room and entered my room wearing only a towel. Alec was seated in a chair, reading a book. More memories flashed through my mind, but these were good memories, things that made me happy because that day, I realized that he was mine and I was his.

I grabbed some clothes and returned to the bathroom to get dressed. The smell of pancakes filled my nose as I pulled a shirt over my head and walked out, brushing my dark hair. I ushered Alec out of the room and smiled when the scent of pancakes became stronger.

"I made you gingerbread pancakes, Kenz. I know that they're your favorite." Emily set a stack of pancakes in front of me and my mouth began to water.

"Thanks, Em." I smiled at her before I devoured my pancakes. They were delicious and before I knew it, they were gone. I furrowed my eyebrows, knowing that I probably should've eaten slower but there was nothing that I could do about it now.

"Kenzi, what happened last night? Are you okay?" Sam asked, sitting down across from me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just confused and upset. He can't tell me what to do, he was gone my entire life." I told him sincerely.

"I'll make sure that he doesn't bother you. Mom was never going to tell you because you were so happy with the dad that you knew. She didn't want to ruin that." I nodded, understanding completely. My dad was an amazing person, better than Joshua who left us.

"Sam? Emily?" A sudden thought invaded my mind and I knew that I had to tell them. Its something that I should've told them two years ago.

"Yeah?" Sam responded, with Emily coming to sit next to him.

"I-I need to tell you something." I held Alec's hand under the table and proceeded to tell them about the day before the newborn fight. I'll admit that I cried because it was painful to say out loud, but Alec held my hand and supported me through it. 

"It wasn't your fault, Kenz. It was that reeking bloodsucker's fault. You should've told me sooner." Sam was surprisingly calm about this. He didn't yell at me or get angry at me, and that made me breathe a sigh of relief.

"Your brother's right, it wasn't your fault because it wasn't a choice that you made. Someone hurt you, and it was their fault." Emily reached over the table and held my other hand in a comforting manor.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier. I thought you would've been ashamed about what happened."

"I would never be ashamed of something that you had no control over. I'll love you no matter what, Kenz." Sam got up and gave me a hug and I felt a huge weight lift off of my chest. I finally told the people that I cared about the most, what happened to me. I don't have to carry the secret around anymore, they know.

"Thanks, Sam."

"Okay, enough of this sad stuff. What do you guys want for dinner?" Emily asked.

"Pizza!" I jumped up, I could devour an entire cow, I'm so hungry.

"Kenz, we ate pizza yesterday." Sam told me.

"Who cares? Pizza everyday!" Yeah, I was being childish but I am still a child.

I heard Alec chuckle from beside me and Sam just smiled at me.

"Pizza it is." Em then left to go order pizza as Sam, Alec, and I sat in the kitchen talking, waiting for food to come.

After all that's happened, I'm glad to have a nice moment with my family and people that I love. I hope to never hear anything from Joshua because I'm not ready to have him in my life. It wouldn't be the same. Just because he is my biological father does not make him my real dad. My real dad died, leaving me with valuable knowledge that he taught me as he raised me, and that's what makes him my real dad.

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