Chapter 12

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"I cannot stand being here and not being able to just go up to her and hold her in my arms." I ran my hands through my hair as we stood in the hotel room. The love of my life was so close but so far at the same time.

"Patience, brother. We need to devise a plan to get her away from her family. They will never let us just go in and take her, just like that." Jane told me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"We can't just take her, Jane. Kenzi will hate me even more if we do that to her again."

"Master Aro gave orders, brother, and we must follow those orders."

"Jane is right. We were given an order to bring her back to Volterra, and we must follow through with it." Demetri said as I sighed in frustration. I didn't want to take her against her will. I want her to come willingly.


"Kenzi! Wake up! It's just a dream!" Seth's panicked voice woke me up and I sat up quickly as the tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"Is everything okay?" Sam burst into the room, looking at me and Seth. I shook my head and Sam rushed to my side.

"Kenzi, you were screaming, what happened?" Seth asked, clearly concerned.

"They-they were killing him. Over and over. They were torturing him and I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't do anything!" I kept crying as the visual was still clear in my mind of the Volturi torturing Alec. Jane causing him pain and Felix breaking his limbs.

"Who? Kenzi, who?" Sam kneeled on the side of my bed and looked at me.

"A-Alec." I began to sob hysterically. I didn't want to care for him but I just did. Sam sighed before looking at me with tired eyes.

"You imprinted on him, didn't you?" I didn't answer, I feared his reaction to me imprinting on his enemy. "Kenzi, did you or did you not imprint on him?" Sam's voice becoming more demanding as I refused to answer.

"I didn't want to. I don't want him, Sam. Please don't hate me."

"Did you know about this?" Seth slowly nodded his head, looking down at his hands as if he was scared of Sam's reaction. Which I understand, I would be scared too. Sam sighed looking at me and then at Seth. "Get some sleep, we'll discuss this in the morning." He got up and left the room leaving me and Seth alone.

"He hates me." I stared blankly into the open space where Sam once was. He hates me.

"Sam doesn't hate you, Kenz. He could never hate you, you're his little sister." I felt Seth's arm come over my shoulders as he pulled me close to him. "C'mon lets get some sleep." He said before we both laid back and I tried hard to fall back asleep.

I woke up and immediately squinted as the sun came in through the curtains on my window. I looked to my side and noticed that Seth was still sleeping with his arm wrapped around my waist. Being the lovely friend that I am, I leaned over and yelled in his ear. He immediately woke up, his eyes wide as he looked around the room until his eyes settled on me.

"One of these days, I'm going to get you back. I'll get you back when you least expect it."

"Good luck with that." I smirked because I knew that he would never get me back. No one ever has and no one ever will.

I got up with the familiar painful sensation in my chest. I try to ignore it during the day but its worse at night, when I'm alone with nothing to distract me from the pain. As I got dressed, the pain got worse, I wanted to cry out, I wanted it to end but I knew that it wouldn't end unless I went with them.

I exited my room to see Sam, Emily, and Seth in my kitchen. Emily had just brought out breakfast for us and my brother and her sat at the table, across from Seth. I sat down and sighed before coming to the conclusion that I wasn't hungry.

"Kenzi, you have to eat, please. You haven't eaten in days, probably weeks, if you didn't eat in that leech castle." Sam told me as I looked at my hands. I couldn't eat, I would just throw up. How was I supposed to tell him that?

"I'm not hungry." I simply stated as I shrugged my shoulders as Sam sighed.

"Kenzi-" Sam was cut off by the phone ringing and he got up to answer it. I knew what he was going to say, and quite frankly, I didn't want to hear it, because then it would be real.

Sam came back with a shocked yet angry expression on his face. He was clutching the phone in his hand as he said three words that made my blood run cold. "Its Jane Volturi."

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