Chapter 37

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  "Happy birthday, baby girl!" Sam's cheerful voice said after the guys had finished singing happy birthday.

"Thanks guys!" I sat down on my bed with a smile on my face. I had woken up to a phone call coming in from Sam and immediately knew what it was for.

"How're you doing?"

"I'm good, what about you guys? I haven't talked to you in a while."

"We're pretty good-"

"Seth won't shut up about how much he misses you!" I heard Jared shout in the background.

"Shut up!" Seth's voice was heard and then laughter erupted throughout the room.

"Hey! Leave Seth alone, I miss you too!" I told him, letting out a chuckle.

"Come save me from these barbarians!" Seth pleaded.

"I would if I could! Just kidding, I would join in." I smiled, even though I knew that they couldn't see it.

"I thought that we were in this together, Kenz." Seth faked being hurt and that caused me to burst into a fit of giggles.

"I'm sorry but this just isn't going to work out anymore." I joked before hearing Seth's fake sobs.

"He's come to the dark side. He's ours now!" Jared yelled out before laughing maniacally, causing me to laugh even harder. I missed my boys, I missed my family.

"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside!" Sam yelled at them, resulting in hoots and laughter from the guys as they left the house.

"I miss them, they're complete idiots but I love them."

"They miss you, we all do. Did you get the gift that I sent you a while back? I didn't know if it would arrive on time."

"Actually, no, I didn't. Maybe it came in today or something, I'll check with Heidi and see. What is it?" I asked excitedly, slightly bouncing up and down like a child.

"It's a surprise, Kenz, but I know that you'll love it."

"Well I have to love it, you're my brother and I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings." I said jokingly.

"I mean we can always return it..." He trailed off, as if contemplating it.

"No! I mean, no, I bet that it'll be amazing." I reassured myself more than him, causing Sam to chuckle.

"Well, Kenz, I hope that you like it. It's pretty late over here so I'm going to head to bed, love you baby girl."

"Love you too, Sam." I hung up the phone and sighed, something that I had a habit of doing after a long talk with my brother. I missed him, of course, and sometimes I wish that I could see him more often but it is what it is.

It was unsusually quiet in the castle today. I had woken up to a note from Alec saying that he would be out on a mission. Part of me was upset that he wasn't here to spend my birthday with me but another part of me knew that this was his duty to the Volturi.

I showered, did my hair and makeup, and walked into my closet to get dressed. I wore a black skater dress with white floral designs and some black tights with thigh high socks and short black boots with a heel. I also pulled on a grey cardigan because of the cold, autumn weather. The weather on my birthday had always been cold, being as it's September, but despite this, my home was warm. Now, in a castle full of vampires, I noticed the cold a lot more. It didn't bother me, I was used to it, it was just strange to not have the particular warmth that was always there.

Walking out of my room, I noticed the eerie quietness of the castle. The only sound was the sound my footsteps echoing off of the stone walls. I made my way to the throne room, I was going to ask Aro if any packages had come in for me. I was really curious to find out what Sam had gotten me. I opened the large, heavy doors to the throne room and as I did, I heard a loud chorus of 'Surprise!' My eyes widened and my jaw dropped, the entire throne room was decorated and all of my Volturi family was here.

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