Chapter 27

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  "Kenzi, Kenzi you have to get up and out of this room." The blankets were then pulled off of me but I grabbed them and laid back down. "Kenzi, come on. You cannot wallow in pain for the rest of your life. Master has given us permission to go out." I grumbled in response and hid further beneath the blankets. "Kenzi! Get up and get dressed, we're leaving in a few minutes." Jane yanked the blankets off of the bed, bringing me with them and I landed in a heap on the floor.

I sighed before getting up and getting in the shower reluctantly. I listened to Jane because quite frankly, I didn't want to be put in pain. I threw on some skinny jeans and an oversized grey t-shirt with some converse but when Jane saw me, she made me change into something else, saying that I looked 'miserable.' The oversized t-shirt was thrown across the closet and I put on a black and grey, long sleeved crop top.

"Ready? We're going to Rome with this." Jane pulled out a gold credit card and I had to admit, I got a little excited. I hadn't been shopping in such a long time and I knew for a fact that the Volturi were filthy rich.

"Let's go." I smiled as we left the castle and made our way to Rome.

Once we arrived, we stopped so that I could eat before going shopping. Surprisingly, Jane adored pastel colors and she had gotten many shirts and dresses that she would proabably never wear, in pinks and blues that looked amazing on her.

"Get it, you need some form of color in that closet of yours." I watched as Jane looked in the mirror, clearly in love with the pastel pink dress that she had tried on.

"Says the girl who only wears black and grey." Jane teased me before returning to the dressing room and changing back into her own clothes.

"But my hair looks best with black and grey, it pops more. Speaking of my hair, I need to redye it, my roots are showing." I told her as we walked towards the cash registers.

"You can redye it some other time, besides, I believe that I like how it transitions from a dark brown to the red." Jane told me, pulling out the gold credit card and paying for our clothes.

We had asked the employees of every store that we went to, to ship our clothes to Volterra, seeing as we didn't want to carry all of the bags. Jane and I had somehow managed to spend close to half a million dollars on clothes but I doubt that it would even make a dent in the Volturi bank account.

My stomach growled as we walked out of the previous store and Jane offered to go to a cafe so that I could get something to eat. I agreed, of course, seeing as I haven't been eating that well and food was contantly on my mind. After ordering my food, I went to sit with Jane at a table in the far corner of the cafe.

"Thanks Jane, I had fun today. You helped me get my mind off of things." I told her sincerely.

"It was no problem, you needed some sort of distraction or you would have probably stayed in your room for the next century. I am truly sorry for what my brother has been doing to you, I do not know what is going through his head at the moment." She told me, seemingly in thought over Alec's actions over the past month.

"Yeah, well I don't want to talk about Alec right now. He's being...just...ugh!" I sighed in frustration, I couldn't even come up with words to describe how I felt at the moment.

"It will get better, I promise." Jane gave me a sort of sympathetic smile and I was greatful to have a friend at this moment in my life.

"That's what everyone says to me before something horrible happens." I mumbled more to myself than Jane. I fiddle with my thumbs before the smell of food filled my nose and a sandwich was placed in front of me. I thanked the man who had brought me my food and I began to devour it. "I almost forgot how good food was."

"You are finally eating. You had started to lose weight again and I became w-worried." Jane stumbled on her words, something that she never did and I looked at her to see that her eyes were fixed somewhere behind me.

"Jane? What's wrong?" I asked, setting my drink down and turning around to see what she was looking at. Her voice came out panicked as my eyes settled on what she was looking at. "No! Kenzi, it's nothing!" But she was too late.

Sitting across the cafe was Alec and Venus. I was in complete disbelief, he had been seeing her! This is what he wasn't telling me. Alec was sneaking out to see Venus and completely ignoring me! Sam had always said that I had a temper like Paul's and right now, at this very moment, I believed him because it took all that I had not to phase and hurt Alec right then. Instead, I stood up and marched over to the other side of the cafe, ignoring Jane's calls to leave it alone.

"You're such an asshole, Alec! Seriously, blowing me off to see her! You said that I had nothing to worry about when you practically trip over your own to feet to be with a girl who isn't even your girlfriend. At least you could've told me that you didn't want to be with me anymore instead of going behind my back and cheating on me." My rage had taken over, and even though I knew that it wasn't a good idea, I was causing a scene in this cafe anyway.

Alec's cold glare wandered up towards me as I stood next to him. "Did you follow me here?"

"You really think that I would do that? I trust you enough to be loyal to me but then, while I am out here having a good day with a friend, I see you with her." Alec stood up and dragged me outside with an almost painful grip on my arm. Once I had the chance, I yanked it out of is grasp and looked angrily at him. "Words cannot express how much I hate you right now. I can't believe that I actually trusted you, you're such an asshole." I attempted to push him back but I was not strong enough.

"Kenzi, stop causing such a scene, it's childish and embarrassing."

"But this seems to be the only way that you'll listen to me! You have left me countless times to come see her and you never told me why. You ignore me and push me aside when we're supposed to be soul mates. What do you want me to do, Alec? You don't talk to me, you barely acknowledge that I exist and that hurts, okay. But then I see you here with her and I want to scream and cry and kill you all at the same time because I trusted you not to hurt me! But that seems to be the only thing that you're doing, now." I tried to hold back the tears, I didn't want to cry in front of him, not that it would make any difference.

"You need to stop causing such a scene over something so petty." He was annoyed with me and the look in his eyes wasn't comforting like it usually is, it's cold.

"It's not petty, Alec. This is my entire life, I have done everything to be with you and then you go with another girl?" I couldn't stop the tears now, they were flowing freely onto my cheeks and I don't think that I can stop them.

"I have to go back in there-"

"I swear to god, Alec, if you walk back in there, you won't see me again." My voice wavered a bit from my crying as I said this through gritted teeth. Alec just took one look at me and turned around and left. It felt as if someone had taken my heart and shattered it into a million little pieces; taken me and stabbed me multiple times. Alec had left, and taken my entire life with him. He was my air, my gravity, my life, and without him, I'm nothing.​​​​​​​  

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