Chapter 28

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"Please think this through before you do something that you regret." Jane pleaded, clearly not wanting me to leave.

"I won't regret it. I told him that if he went back into that cafe, I would leave." I angrily shoved more clothes into a suitcase before closing it. Alec had left an hour ago, probably to go see Venus and he had ignored me, like always.

"Sweetheart, think about what you are doing." Demetri told me, holding his hands up towards me, as if to try to calm me down.

"I'm done with his shit, okay? Done. I'm leaving." I picked up my suitcase and wheeled it out of the room. Jane and Demetri followed me down the halls towards the front door, trying to convince me to stay but I was firm on my decision to leave. Alec broke me, and I couldn't stay here and allow him to keep hurting me.

"I know that we will not change your mind, but be careful, sweetheart. Give us a call if anything goes wrong, okay?" Demetri assured me, handing me a cell phone as well as a credit card before giving me a hug.

"Stay safe. I apologize for my younger brother's idiocy." Jane told me, giving me a quick hug before pulling away. I waved goodbye to both of them before walking out of the doors into the Volterra sky.

I didn't know where exactly I would be going but I knew that I just needed to get away. I hailed a cab and told him to take me to the nearest airport. The car ride allowed me to think about where I would go but my brain was constantly bombarded with thoughts of Alec and Venus together. My thoughts had gained my full attention that I hadn't even realized that we had arrived. The driver was yelling at me to get out and I did as he said after paying him and grabbing my luggage.
I scanned the panels, looking at all of the departing flights, debating on where to go but my mind always trailed off to Alec. I huffed in frustration, trying my best to shove my thoughts aside and decide where I would go to.

"Where are you off to?" A deep voice asked but I didn't move my gaze.

"I'm not sure." I kept scanning the flights, watching as one by one they departed but new flights were quick to take their place. "Somewhere that's not here."

"May I make a recommendation?" I turned my gaze towards the man and studied his features. He was fairly young, around 19 or 20 with blue eyes and dark brown hair that was swept to the side. He had pale skin and a British accent, which was adorable and he was pretty attractive but the only person on my mind was Alec.


"London is a beautiful place, of course I may be biased but it is definitely worth a visit." He gave me a shy smile but I couldn't bring myself to return it.

"London it is, then." Alec is from England. "Ugh!" My hands flew up to my face as I angrily ran them through my hair, as if to push away all thoughts of Alec. Why couldn't I get him out of my head. "I'm sorry, you probably think I'm crazy." I apologized to the man, as if it were necessary. I probably wouldn't even see him after oday.

"It was that bad, wasn't it?" Could he read minds like Edward? What the hell was he talking about?

"Horrible." I told him, and it was as if he understood without me having to tell him anything.

"Why don't you tell me about it?" He offered but I couldn't accept. The next flight to London was leaving in an hour and the explanation would probably take longer.

"I don't think that you'll want to listen to it all. Besides, you probably have a flight to catch and so do I."

"I guess that its a good thing that we're on the same flight. I'm Mason." He held his hand out and I accepted it.


* * *I arrived at a hotel recommended by Mason and I settled in. I still wasn't sure how long I would stay here but I had paid for two weeks, after all, I could always extend my stay. Mason had been surprisingly good company. He listened to my rant about Alec and was understanding, telling me things that every girl wants to hear after a breakup: "He didn't deserve you," or "You can do better." Although I knew that he was just a human and he could not possibly understand what I was going through, it was nice to have someone to talk to.
I had taken a shower to try to wash away all of my thoughts of Alec but as I looked in the mirror, more thoughts of him came to me. Thoughts of him and Venus.

"Maybe its because I'm too fat." I told myself, running my fingers along what I used to think was a flat stomach, but suddenly appeared huge compared to Venus' thin figure. "Or maybe I'm too short." I didn't have Venus' long, lean legs that made her stand at around 5' 8" making her six inches taller than me and just shorter than Alec. "I'm not pretty enough for him." The Roman goddess Venus was beautiful, that's probably how the Venus that Alec knows, got her name. She was beautiful, and I was nothing compared to her beauty. "It's because you're a wolf and he's a vampire, you aren't really soul mates. You were just stupid enough to fall for his tricks." And maybe I was, I was a stupid teenager blinded by a vampire's seductive smile. He never loved me and I was stupid enough to believe him when he said he did. Alec probably isn't even my imprint, I'm not his blood singer, we are nothing and we will never be anything. He is meant to be with Venus, a beautiful vampire, not me, an average looking shape-shifter. Nice going, Kenzi, you're an idiot.

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