Chapter 40

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"I'm excited, are you excited?" I bounced around to everyone who was getting ready. I had already gotten dressed and ready and was just waiting for everyone else.

"Kenzi, you need to calm down." Paul chuckled as we waited in the lobby of the church for the ceremony to start.

"I'm just really excited! I can't wait, are you guys ready?" I asked, looking at the pack.

"Hell yeah, Little Red." Jake high fived me and I smiled, knowing that what we were about to do is going to be epic.

"Why can't they hurry up?" I groaned, throwing myself into a chair. I played with the hem of my navy dress as I waited.

"Patience, Kenzi, patience." Alec chuckled at my actions and put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"You of all people should know that I don't have a patient bone in my body." I said, causing the guys to laugh.

"I just talked to Emily, it's starting in five minutes." Jared told us as he walked into where we were gathered.

"Awesome, lets get ready." I said, standing up and smoothing out my dress. "I'll see you in a little bit." I gave Alec a quick kiss before he left to go sit down.

We got into our places, and once the piano started playing, it was our cue to walk in. Seth and I walked a few feet before the music was interrupted. We pretended to be clueless as to what was going on but when the new song came on, we started dancing. The song is upbeat and we had spent the past two weeks choreographing a routine for it. Seth and I started the dance, and he would spin me around and pick me up before the rest of the pack joined in. The look on Sam's face was priceless, it was a mixture of surprise, anger and amusement, but when Emily came out and started to dance with us, his face was full of joy. We all kept dancing as we walked down the aisle, with the guys making their way to their seats and Seth and I making our way next to Sam and Emily.

After our little flash mob was over, the ceremony started and I don't think I've ever seen my brother so happy. When they said their vows, I almost cried, they meant so much to each other. It made me think of Alec, and how much he meant to me, words can't express how much I love him. I looked over at him and sent him a smile, which he returned immediately.
I mouthed an 'I love you' to him as they finished their vows and when they kissed, I let the tears escape. They were tears of happiness for my brother and Emily. We all cheered once they kissed and walked down the aisle and out of the church. They got into the limo that I rented out for them and left the church before we all left to go to the reception.

"I guess that makes us cousins now, huh?" I told Seth as we sat at our table.

"I guess so." We shared a look and then high fived each other.

"YES! WE'RE RELATED NOW!" We yelled out at each other, bursting into laughter right after.

"You two are so weird." Paul told us.

"You're just jealous that you aren't as awesome as we are." I crossed my arms and playfully glared at him.

"Whatever, Uley." He rolled his eyes and walked away, probably towards Rachel, who had just arrived.

I sat back down in between Alec and Seth as we waited for Sam and Emily to arrive. The reception was in this beautiful building on the reservation. It wasn't humongous but it was decently sized for the amount of people that were attending. We had helped decorate it and we had done a pretty good job, if I do say so myself. It decorated beautifully with beautiful center pieces with natural flowers and small twinkle lights hanging around the room. The tables had white table cloths with navy table toppers that were slightly sparkly. All in all, it turned out beautiful.

"Thanks for coming with me, it means a lot." I held onto Alec's hand as I said this.

"Did you really think that I would've just stayed in Volterra?" He chuckled a bit, and I did too. I was stupid to think that he wouldn't come with me.

"Guess not, I can't wait until our wedding." I gave him a quick kiss but he pulled me back and kissed me for longer. We stopped before it got to the point where we could not stop. "I hate what you do to me, Alec." I whispered in his ear.

"Is that so? Because from what I can tell, you always want more." He whispered back, his voice deep and seductive, making my heart speed up.

"You are such a tease." I rolled my eyes and smiled as I sat back in my chair. Just as I did so, they announced that Sam and Emily had come in. They began their first dance and watching them together was amazing. They were so in love, and absolutely perfect together.

The rest of the night seemed to go by quickly, much to my discontent. I love parties and weddings, I wanted this to last longer. I had some cake, which was delicious and I managed to convince Alec to dance. He only really knew the classic dances but I taught him to dance songs from this generation and he learned quickly.

When it was time to throw the bouquet, all of the imprints and other women quickly ran up to try to catch it. Ness and I were in front and the guys had already made bets on who would catch it. We just laughed at their immaturity and held each other's hand, as if for good luck.

"One...two...three!" We all chanted as we waited for Emily to throw the bouquet. But, just as she had the flowers in the air, about to throw them, she turned around and started walking towards us. She started walking towards me. Emily handed me her bouquet and then turned me around so that I was facing Alec. I looked at both of them in confusion until I realized what was happening. Alec got down on one knee and pulled a small, black velvet box out of his pocket. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring; I placed my hand over my mouth, not believing that this was actually happening. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time but I stood there, frozen, watching him in awe as the next four words left his lips.

"Will you marry me?"


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