Chapter 39

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Our Christmas and New Years were a blast. I had somehow convinced them to have a New Years Eve party, inviting everyone from the castle to join us. The only difference was that, instead of champagne, they had blood. Seeing everyone drink it had reminded me of the truth or dare session that we had a few days before Christmas. I shivered at the memory but was glad that I would never have to do that again. The smell was horrible, and the taste was even worse. Even thinking about it made me nauseous, but I'm glad that it was over.

Alec and I are on a flight to Seattle, in order to go to La Push for the wedding. There were two weeks until the wedding and I am excited to see how everything will turn out. I still can't believe that Sam and Emily are getting married. They've been engaged for, what feels like, forever and now they're finally tying the knot. I'm going to finally have a sister! I've always wanted one but it has always been just my brother and me.

"I'm so excited, I can't wait!" I wanted to jump out of my seat and run off of the plane but there were still about 5 hours left.

"I can tell, I love seeing you like this. You're so beautiful." Alec pushed a strand of hair behind my face, sending me a smile.

"They're getting married! That makes me think of weddings in general, and my wedding, if I ever have one." I whispered the last part, not knowing how Alec would react to my comment.

"What are you talking about? Of course we'll have one! I've waited centuries for you, Kenzi, we are going to have a wedding. It may be sooner than you think." I could tell that he attempted to whisper the last part, and it felt like he was saying it more to himself than he was to me but I ignored it and began to daydream about my wedding. Somehow, the daydreaming turned into actual dreaming as I began to fall asleep on Alec's shoulder.


"Kenzi, wake up. We're here." Alec's cold hand shook me awake and when he told me that we were here, I almost jumped out of my seat. I'm pretty sure that my hair is a mess and unlike Alec, I have no form of vampire grace and managed to clumsily fall back into my seat. "Are you okay, love?" I could hear him laugh at me as I tried to wake up a little bit more, and regain my senses.

"Perfectly fine, now lets go!" I got up, without falling, and we made our way out of the plane and into the airport. After passing through customs, we took a cab to La Push. I watched as the buildings began to slowly decrease in number and the number of trees began to increase. When we reached the small house that I grew up in, I could feel my heart speed up and excitement take over. We paid the cab driver, grabbed our luggage and went into my house. "It feels like I haven't been here in forever." I told Alec as one of my hands held onto his and the other onto my luggage. "A little birdy told me that you two are getting married." I said as I walked in and saw my brother and Emily in the kitchen.

"Kenzi!" Sam came over and gave me a bear hug. "Why didn't you call? I would've picked you two up from the airport."

"That would've been a good idea." I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why I didn't think of that. Then we probably would've gotten here faster.

"Kenzi, Alec, it's great to have you two here! Muffin?" Emily asked, bringing in a plate of muffins.

"Yes!" Alec politely said no, for obvious reasons, but I gladly took one of her delicious muffins. "Can you make me, like 10 boxes of these so that I can take them back to Italy with me?" I asked.

"I don't think they'll allow those on the plane, Kenz." Emily laughed a bit, probably thinking that I wasn't serious.

"We'll-" I stopped myself, hearing familiar laughter and voices. I quickly grabbed two more muffins and moved out of the way of the door, pulling Alec with me. "Wait for it." I told him as he looked at me confused but seemed to understand when the pack came running in. They all dove for the muffins that were on the table but dropped them as soon as they saw me.

"Kenzi! You're back!" Seth exclaimed as they all enveloped me in a hug.

After they all dispersed and went back to eating the muffins, I noticed that Jake had arrived holding a teenage Nessie's hand.

"Hey, Little Red, you're back!" I gave him a hug and held on tight to him before he put me down and went back to stand with Ness.

"You've grown up so much, my baby's all grown up!" I began to fake cry as I gave Ness a hug.

"I missed you, Kenz." Nessie laughed a bit, hugging me back.

"I missed you too, Ness. Muffin?" I smiled sheepishly as I held up one of my uneaten muffins. She took it and smiled back at me before going to stand next to Jacob.

"I think that this is the right time to announce who are best man and maid of honor are." Emily announced, causing the pack to quiet down. I already knew that I was the maid of honor but I was curious to see who the best man would be. Maybe Paul, him and Sam are close, but it could also be Quil or Embry. "They're Kenzi and..."

"Seth." Sam finished for Emily. My eyes went wide, my best friend and I would be the best man and maid of honor! This was awesome!

"I'll only do it if I'm the best man." I said, playfully looking at Seth.

"We all know that I make a way prettier girl anyway." He said as he pretended to flip his hair over his shoulder. We had a good laugh before Emily came out with more food.

After eating we just sat around and talked in my living room. We caught up on everything that had happened while I was gone, and everyone seemed to finally get along with Ness and Alec, which was great. I was glad to see my entire family come together and not try to kill each other.
As as we were talking about the wedding plans, an idea popped into my head, and as soon as Sam and Emily left, I told the pack.

"Okay, I have a great idea, but we can't let Sam find out, got it? We'll explain it to Emily later." I proceeded to tell them my genius idea and they all agreed to do it. We went through some serious planning and organization, I don't think that I've ever seen the guys so serious before. I just hoped that it would work out.  

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