Chapter 14

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I stood under the hot water, staring off into space, thinking of everything that has happened to me. Coming back to Volterra has filled the hole in my heart, but it didn't stop the pain. I haven't left the room since I got back to this dark castle. I don't eat, and the only time that I get up is to use the bathroom or shower. Sam said that my life would be better here but I honestly don't think that he was right. I thought back to the last conversation that we had and a tear ran down my cheek.


I threw the last of my clothes into my suitcase before closing it and setting it on the floor.

"Are you ready to go?" My brother's voice filled my ears as I nodded and allowed a tear to slide down my cheek.

"You're really making me leave, aren't you?" I asked, not turning around.

"It's for your own good, Kenzi. I want you to be healthy and happy, not miserable." I look around before turning to face him. I rolled my suitcase behind me as I walked up and hugged him. "I'm going to miss you, Kenz."

"I'm going to miss you too." This was really happening, I was leaving my family to go live with the people who I once thought were enemies. I let go of Sam and walked out of my room to see the pack and Emily standing in my living room, with Jane, Alec, Demetri, and Felix off to the side.

I went up to each of them and hugged them goodbye. To my surprise, they all cried, even Jared. There were several 'I'm going to miss you's' and 'Don't forget about us' passed throughout everyone before I turned to my brother one last time.

"I love you, and I'm sorry for all of the trouble that I have caused you. I'll miss you." I gave him one last hug and I squeezed him tight, not wanting to let go.

"I love you too, Kenz, and you do cause a lot of trouble, but that's what little sisters are for, right?" I let out a small laugh at this before it turned into a sob. "Goodbye, Kenzi." Sam kissed my forehead before prying my arms from his waist, allowing the Volturi to take hold of me and take me back to the dreaded castle in Volterra.

I had left him. I had left the only family that I had. Sam raised me and when he started dating Leah, it was almost as if everything had come together. Leah treated me like a little sister and I looked up to her, she had become part of our little family. That's why, when Sam broke up with Leah to be with Emily, I didn't talk to him for months. I was mad at him for ruining the relationship that I had with Leah, the relationship that he had with her. After a while, I began to face reality and once this happened, I accepted Emily and talked to Sam again. I had a family again.

I have to accept this because this is my reality now. I'm a shifter living in a castle full of vampires that could kill me at any moment. My imprint was a vampire, and I am his blood singer. That is my reality.

I turn the shower off and grab a towel off of the hook, wrapping my body in it. I step out and look in the mirror. I have dark circles under my eyes, you can see my bones and I look like a walking skeleton, but I guess that I just look how I feel, dead. I open the bathroom door to reveal Alec as he's placing something on the desk in my room, he quickly turns around once he notices my presence.

"I brought you something to eat." The tone in his voice is hopeful. They know that I'm not eating.

"I'm not hungry." My feet padded out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.

"My love, please, you must eat something. You are nothing but skin and bones."

"Don't call me love, and I already said that I'm not hungry."


"Can you just leave?" I cut him off, annoyed at the fact that he was here. That, however, proved to be a mistake.

"Goddammit, Kenzi! I'm fucking tired of trying to make this work. I try so hard to get you to accept this but you're so damn stubborn that you can't accept the fact that you're mine and I'm yours." Alec had pinned me against the wall, all of the frustration that he had was let out as he held me against the stone wall.

My eyes searched his before they looked down at his lips, my mind telling me no but my body screaming yes. It was almost instinct when I crashed my lips onto his. It was like I had started a fire, with the burning pleasure of Alec's lips against mine. But that wasn't enough. I needed more. The fire burning more and more, second by second and suddenly, it was as if our clothes were endless barriers separating us. Alec immediately tore off his shirt before he slammed me against the wall, his lips connected to mine. I let my towel drop to the floor as a feeling of relief overtook my body. This is how its supposed to be. I'm Alec's and Alec is mine. And in this moment, everything was okay.


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