Chapter 35

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  "So she manipulated you into falling in love with her?" I asked, stunned by what Alec had just told me.

"I'm afraid so. Jane had told me all of those years ago, that Venus was a manipulator but I didn't listen. Kenzi, I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen, please forgive me." I looked into his pleading eyes, knowing that I needed to forgive him, even if I didn't want to.

"I forgive you." I told him simply and immediately his face lit up with joy. "What did you guys do?" The jealous part of me took over, and I wanted to know if they had done anything. I fiddled with my fingers as I awaited his answer.

"Nothing, we kissed a few times but that is it. I swear it."

"Good, because you're mine and I swear to god, if you ever hurt me like this again, Alec Volturi, I'm leaving for good." I told him sternly, even though I knew that it would never happen. I couldn't leave Alec again.

"I will never leave you, or hurt you. I shouldn't have gone in the first place. I love you more than anything this life could ever give me, I don't know what I was thinking." I motioned him to lay down beside me, to which he obeyed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Neither do I, but I'm glad that you came to your senses." I cuddled into his cold, hard chest that was comforting to me. His cold body eased the pain of my sores and his presence comforted me.

"How are you feeling?"

"I've been better. My entire body feels broken." Carlisle had given me pain killers but they only dulled the pain, they didn't take it away completely.

"This would have never happened if I hadn't been so foolish." His cold hand brushed a piece of my hair back before gently caressing my cheek.

"This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't left. Why am I so stupid?" I said more to myself than Alec.

"You wouldn't have left if it weren't for my stupid actions."

"Are we really fighting over who's fault this is?" I asked, laughing a bit at the fact that we were almost arguing about who's fault this was.

"I guess so, but I know that if it weren't for my actions, you would not have left, and you would not be lying here on the brink of death." I sighed and gave up trying to convince him that it was my fault. I knew that he wasn't going to allow me to blame myself and I might as well save my breath.

"I'm just happy that you're back here, that we're together again." I closed my eyes, feeling the pain slowly start to become more prominent.

"What's wrong? Do you need anything?" Alec's panicked voice entered my ears and I'm guessing that I must've looked bad for him to ask that so suddenly.

"Yeah, the painkillers are just wearing off a bit. No big deal." I told him through gritted teeth as my head began to hurt and a sharp pain shot through my body.

"I can help with that." And slowly, I felt the pain disappear. I could still see, hear, smell, and taste but I couldn't feel pain, and for that, I was grateful.

"Thank you." My voice was soft but hoarse and I hated it. I felt my eyes droop and I attempted to keep them open. I wanted to keep talking to Alec not sleep.

"Sleep, my love, I will be here when you wake up." I obeyed and allowed my eyes to shut and the darkness to take over.


"If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that he was sleeping." Felix's voice was the first thing that I heard as I woke up.

"Hush, let them be. She actually smiles in her sleep, I haven't seen her smile in weeks." Demetri responded.

Blood Love (Alec Volturi Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora