Chapter 9

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*A few hours earlier - Kenzi-Grace*

I heard them bring in the humans and then start to feed. This was my chance. I climbed out of the window that was at least two stories up. I remembered what Jake had told me when I first started sneaking out, to close my eyes and bend my knees. So that's what I did, I landed swiftly on the ground and started running, an immediate feeling of hurt and pain started in me. I ran into the town and to the closest airport.

Once I arrived at the airport, I quickly bought a plane ticket to Forks with money that I had stolen from the Volturi. I looked around and made sure that no one had followed me here before coming to the conclusion that I wasn't being followed. I boarded the plane quickly and got comfortable for the 13 hour plane ride to my home, and the further away that I got to Volterra, the more intense that the burning pain in my heart got.


"Miss, miss, the plane has landed." My eyes opened and I looked around to see that a flight attendant had woken me up.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you." I got up and exited the plane and walked through the airport, breaking into a run once I was in the woods.

I ran until I reached La Push. Once my house was in view, I sprinted to it and ran into my home.

"Sam? Sam?" I frantically searched for him before hearing his voice come from behind me.

"Kenzi?" I turned around and saw my brother with dark bags under his eyes and stubble that had built up on his face.

"Sam!" I ran to him and jumped up to hug him. He picked me up as I wrapped my arms around him and started crying. "I missed you so much. They wouldn't let me come see you." I sobbed into his warm shoulder as he held me tighter.

"Kenzi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. My life didn't end the day that you were born, I realized that it didn't start until then. I love you Kenzi, please forgive me." I heard his voice crack and immediately knew that he was going to start crying.

"Of course I forgive you, you're my big brother, I don't know what I would do without you." Sam held me close for a while more before putting me down.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight, I can't lose you again. You can't go out without my permission or without one of us or the Cullens with you, understood?" He held my face in his hands as he looked at me sternly.

I nodded my head quickly and gave him another hug as I continued to cry.

"Its okay, Kenzi, it's okay. I'm here." Sam stroked my hair in a comforting manor as I stood there crying my eyes out.

"Kenzi?" Emily's voice filled my ears and I immediately pulled away from Sam and ran to hug her. "Honey, you're're really back!"

"I missed you so much, Em, so so much." The sound of laughter and footsteps soon filled my ears as I came to the realization that the guys were here.

Seth's voice was the first voice that I heard call my name.

"Kenzi!" I ran up to him and hugged him as he picked me up and spun me around. "I missed you so much!" He kissed the top of my head before putting me down, still holding me close.

"Hey, we all want hugs!" Embry's voice called out.

I laughed as I pulled away from Seth and proceeded to give the rest of the guys hugs. Several 'I miss you's and 'we're so happy that you're back's were thrown around here and there as I spent time hugging each of them, enjoying their presence.

"Little Red, you're back. I can't thank you enough for what you did for Ness, I owe you." Jake said as he held me, his tall body towering over mine.

"I did what I felt was right, I couldn't let her go with those people, they were horrible, Jake." I began to cry harder at the memories of being with the Volturi.

"Shhh, don't cry, Little Red, its over." Jacob stroked my hair as I cried before I pulled away and looked around at my family.

"I missed all of you guys so much." The tears streaming down my face. Sam came over and wiped my tears before standing up tall and catching the guys' attention.

"From now on, Kenzi won't be left alone. At least one of us has to be with her at all times, I will inform the Cullens of this. We aren't going to let her out of our sight, understood?" Sam used his alpha voice and everyone quickly agreed. I bet that they would've agreed even if Sam didn't use his alpha voice, they're my family. "I'm not letting them take you again." He told me as I hugged him.

"I don't want them to come back, Sam. They do horrible things to people." I looked at him with tear filled eyes.

"Kenz, what's this scar on your arm from?" Paul asked, signaling towards my left arm that had a huge scar on it that hadn't yet healed from the stitches.

"What did they do to you?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern as he examined the scar and then my face.

"I got into a fight with Jane. She threw me onto a desk and there was glass on it, and so when the desk broke, so did the glass and it made a huge gash in my arm." I told them. I immediately felt my brother tense as I told him this.

"But who threw the first punch?" Jared asked.

"Me, of course. She called me a dog, what else was I supposed to do?" I joked, receiving chuckles from the guys, immediately lightening the mood.

"That's my girl!" Paul shouted as he came up to high-five me, and in that moment, I couldn't be happier to be with my family. My warm, welcoming family instead of that cold Volturi castle. But there was something in the back of my head that was causing me pain, the same pain that had increased the farther that I got from Volterra, the farther that I got from him.

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