Chapter 33

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  I don't know how long I had been in here, the room was dark all of the time and therefore didn't allow me to see whether it was day or night. It felt like ages that they have kept me here. My clothes were torn and stained with blood from all of the times that they've tortured me for 'not keeping my mouth shut.' On top of that, they're starving me. The only thing that I get is water, but even then, its barely enough. They're barely keeping me alive but I had to push through it. I couldn't let them win, I wouldn't let them win.

The door opened and I cringed at the sudden light that had come in. "We brought you something to eat." Stefan's voice ran through my ears before a strange scent entered my nose and a piece of raw meat was thrown in front of me. I looked at it in horror, the piece of meat was still very bloody, as if they had just gone out and killed the animal themselves before cutting it up and bringing me this piece.

"What the hell is this?" I asked, appalled by the bloody steak in front of me.

"You are a dog, dogs eat raw meat." He said slowly, as if I were not capable of understanding.

"Look you bloodsucking demon, I'm not a fucking dog, and I will not eat something that is probably carrying some sort of disease." I told them, yanking at the chains.

"Fine then, don't eat. That adds up to the fourth day without food." He replied emotionlessly before leaving the room, taking the meat with him.

That was gross. I was not about to eat that horrible piece of meat that smelled worse than they did. My stomach growled but I didn't find myself hungry. Why can't my family come any sooner, my bones are broken, my voice is hoarse; I'm still alive but I'm barely even breathing. I'm slowly dying, I can feel myself become weaker everyday from lack of nutrition. If only I could break out of these damn chains and tear them both to pieces. "When I get out, I'm going to rip you both into pieces!" I screamed out at them. I heard a 'shut up' from somewhere else before the room returned to silence.

The door opened once again except it was Vladimir who came in. He closed the heavy metal door behind him and he walked over to where I was slumped over in the corner. Carefully and strangely, he bent down and stared at me, for what felt like a good five minutes.

I gave him a strange look before asking him, "What do you want?" Venom laced in my words that eventually broke him from his daze.

"You are very beautiful, for a dog. Its a shame to see you like this. The alpha's sister, all tied up, battered and bruised when you should be treated like a queen." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Is this his way of flirting with me? A grown man who is centuries old, is flirting with a sixteen year old girl.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I spat at him and I watched as he placed a hand on my thigh.

"I won't kill you, if you agree to stay with us for eternity." He stated simply.

"After you've kidnapped me? Tied me up and starved me? No thanks." I pushed his hand away and that seemed to make him angry.

"When they come, I will make sure that your little boyfriend is the first, and most painful death. I will make you watch him suffer as we pull him apart, limb by limb, and you won't be able to do anything about it." I managed to kick his face, as the thought of them killing Alec made me angry and upset at the same time.

"You won't lay a finger on him. The person that is going to be pulled apart limb by limb, is you." I spat before curling up in the corner, watching him get up and glaring at me.

"Sounds like they're here, should I bring Aleczander in? Tear him apart myself and burn the pieces right here in front of you." He was right, they were here, but it wasn't just the Volturi, it was the Cullens too, and the pack.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him or I will keep my promise and I will break you into pieces! Or, I could just burn you alive you fucking demon!" I spat before realizing that this was my chance to escape. "Guys! I'm down here! Alec! Sam! Carlisle! Somebody!" My screams were quickly silenced by Vladimir but I harshly bit down on his hand, removing a few of his fingers in the process, causing him to hiss in pain. "Help me!" I struggled more and more against the chains trying to free myself but Vladimir roughly grabbed my arms, restraining me and breaking a few bones in the process. I screamed out as my bones cracked and pain shot through my body. I bit my lip and tried my best not to cry. Don't let him see you cry, it'll only remind him that you're vulnerable.

The door burst open and I didn't manage to catch a glimpse of who it was before my head was thrown back and teeth sunk into my neck. I, once again, screamed out in pain and realization hit me like a truck. The venom. Vladimir knows that the venom is going to kill me, that's why he bit me. The area where I was bitten began to burn, like someone had lit me on fire. The painful burning sensation began to spread through my body and I tried my best not to scream out.

"Kenzi!" I heard several voices call out to me but they were all so distant, so faint and if it weren't for my eyesight, I would think that they weren't really there.

Alec rushed quickly to my side and I saw my brother's tall, black wolf phase before he ran over to me as well.

" burns." I managed to say through gritted teeth as I tried to stay conscious.

"Carlisle, what do we do?" Sam's panicked voice entered my ears.

"We have to remove the venom before it spreads to her heart, or else it'll be too late." Carlisle's voice, seemed to calm me down a bit but not enough to take away from the fact that I was dying. "Alec, you must take it out of her."

Alec held my hand as he looked at me reluctantly. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault but I'm going to make it better, I promise." I squeezed his hand as I felt his teeth enter the spot where Vladimir had bitten me. My eyes slowly started to shut from all of the blood that was leaving my body. Eventually, Carlisle told Alec that my blood was clean, and Alec removed his mouth from my neck immediately. A cool sensation fell over me as the painful burning had finally stopped, it had ended, and thankfully, I was still alive.

"Let's get her out of here." I heard my brother say before I was picked up by a pair of cold arms and taken somewhere. I slowly faded out of consciousness, temporarily ending the pain and the events that I had just witnessed.  

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