Chapter 22

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  "I guess that we're leaving for real now." I said as I walked to the front door.

"I guess so, but don't worry love, we'll come back." Alec held my face in his hands before giving me a quick kiss.

"You two ready to go?" Sam asked, grabbing his car keys as well as Emily's hand.

"Yeah." I opened the door and we all walked out to the car without any interruptions from strangers claiming to be family members.

Once we got to the airport, we bid our goodbyes before Alec and I boarded the plane to Italy. I looked out of the plane window and watched as Seattle got smaller and smaller.


"I see that you're actually alone for once. I have been meaning to talk to you. How was the trip, sweetheart?" Demetri's voice surprised me as I was putting the last of my clothes away.

"Yeah, Alec had some stuff to do and I had to unpack but the trip, it was pretty okay. You know, if you consider a random guy showing up at your door claiming to be your real father but in reality just shows up sixteen years later to tell you that your life choices suck and that you're a fuck up. But other than that it was nice." I ran a hand through my hair after my mini rant and looked at Demetri, who had a smirk on his face.

"Sounds like someone had a hard time. Need a hug?" I nodded as I walked into his outstretched arms. Demetri had an almost fatherly feel whenever he gave me hugs, and that's one thing that I loved about him.

"Why is my life so complicated?" I asked more to myself than Demetri.

"Well, sweetheart, you're going to go through bumps in the road but you'll get through it. You've got an eternity of complications waiting to happen, you can't let something small ruin everything." He pushed some hair behind my ear as he looked at me with this blood red eyes, telling me this. I nodded as I looked down at my hands, realizing that what he said was true.

"It just makes my head spin and I'm tired of it, and hungry. Do you guys have human food in the kitchen?" I was so hungry but I didn't understand why, I had eaten as soon as we had gotten back to Volterra.

"I believe we may have something. I will go to the kitchen with you." I nodded and Demetri walked beside me down to the kitchen.

I raided the pantry and refrigerator until I finally settled on making myself a peanut butter sandwich...well two, peanut butter sandwiches.

"You aren't pregnant, are you?" Demetri joked as I devoured my sandwiches.

"If I were, we would know by now." I replied, eating the last bit of my sandwich. There was a strange feeling in my stomach before pain shot through my body and my eyes widened when I realized what was happening. "Shit." I can't believe that I forgot about it. How could I forget? I haven't had it for months, it must've stopped when I lost all of that weight. Shit. "I need to go into town." God, why did it have to come now? Especially with Demetri around. "Can I borrow a couple of euros?"

"Take this. Oh, and by the way, I can smell the blood, sweetheart." A smirk appeared on Demetri's face as he handed me a credit card. I felt blood rush to my cheeks, probably turning them the same color as my hair.

I practically ran to the front door until I was stopped.

"Kenzi, why are you leaving?" Alec's hand stopped me before I could reach the exit.

"I'm just going into town really quick. I"m coming back, don't worry." I gave him a nervous smile, hoping that he'd let me go as well as hoping that the blood wouldn't stain my jeans. I guess its a good thing that I wore black.

"Are you hurt?" Alec cupped my face in his hands as he clearly didn't understand

"Alec, I'm fine. I just need to go into town really fast."

"I'll go with you." I sighed in defeat and eventually ushered him outside as I tried to get to some sort of pharmacy.

"What are you looking for?" Alec asked as we walked in.

"Tampons." I answered simply as I tried to look through the isles.

"Tampons? What for?" He's so oblivious, its cute.

"My period, Alec." I gave up trying to hide what I was really here for and just told him so that he would stop bugging me about it.

"Oh." He looked down at his hands as I dragged him through the pharmacy and I know that if he were human, his cheeks would be bright red.

I finally got what I needed before we headed back to the castle. I took a shower once I got there and then laid in bed, trying to ignore the pain that was mother nature.

"Can I get you anything, love?" Alec asked as he looked down at me with a pained expression.

"No, I'm fine, thanks though." I smiled up at him but it faltered because of the pain that I was feeling. Oh how I hate you, mother nature. "Can you just lay with me?"

"Of course." I lifted up the blankets and he laid down next to me, holding me in his cold arms.

"It still amazes me that I don't burn your skin. My body heat is abnormally high, I would think that you would be in pain." I told him as I traced shapes on his chest.

"The warmth of your skin is comforting, not like the burning that our village put us through."

"Alec, what happened before you became a vampire?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Well, Jane and I were called the witch twins, in my village. The people hated us and then one day, they tried to burn us at the stake. Thankfully, Master Aro came and slaughtered them all and saved us, turning us into what we are now. When we were turned, something broke in Jane, she used to be so sweet and caring, and now she's cold. While we were burning, she focused on the pain while I just wanted it to end. I was surprised when she took a liking to you, but I am glad that you two get along."

"Those people were horrible to you."

"It was 800 A.D. England, things were different back then." I nodded in understanding. If Alec had been burned at the stake, I would have a different imprint, living a completely different life.

"I'm glad that Aro saved you, or else we wouldn't be here right now." I entangled my fingers with his and felt my vision begin to go blurry.

"As am I. Go to sleep, love. You need it." I finally gave in and shut my tired eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.  

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