Chapter One: Haunted Memories

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Rylee POV

Theres no place like home. Usually that comes at the end of a story, however I was just beginning mine, but I was finally home again. Home was an important concept for me, but it wasn't the location that made it home, it was the people and the emotional ties. I didn't let many people in since I had been pushed around foster families and rejected almost instantly every time. I ended up in care homes where children stayed away from me knowing I was different. I knew I was different, but I was special. I was a wolf. I could shift into my wolf form on command but my wolfs personality emerged with mine and we became one. Since I was young when I first turned my wolfs personality merged with mine pretty quickly because mine wasn't properly established. I didn't care, you get what youre given and have to deal with it. Over time I learned to control it and pass off my wolfs personality as dominance rather than fury and anger or a child showing behavioural problems. It took Maria and Jeremy to do that.

She was a human but a sympathiser, she was Jeremy's mate. Jeremy was a wolf, he picked me out from all the children at the shelter. Rather than the pretty little bouncy haired blonde girl he chose me. Why? I never knew, maybe he pitied me, maybe he wanted a child that would be like his one day, or maybe he just picked a name out of a list. But when he saw me in the corner of the room shaking trying to control my wolf in my agony he came over and helped me. His words soothed me and his scent helped me and my wolf relax, his touch gave me company.

We're a very social breed, so naturally the company of another wolf helped to settle my wolf. He smiled and asked my name and that was the end of it. Maria didn't argue with his decision, he explained to her and later that day I walked out with new parents. And here I am 9 years later, an older sister and a trained soldier. Unofficial of course, but I had to do it for both mine and Marias, and now Jeremy Juniors sake. It helped me grieve for my father, he excelled in combat, and I was determined I would too.

After two years away for training I was back home with my family. I knew it had been a hard two years for them both financially and emotionally. Maria struggled as a single parent after Jeremy died from a rogue attack. The rogues were a band of mutts that refused to abide by pack laws, they were becoming brazen and attacking packs and that's what had happened 7 years ago. I remembered it clearly.

The sun was shining proving to be ascendant in the height of summer. I was playing in the garden, just across the road from the forest. I liked the forest but I was 11, Maria and Jeremy still wouldn't let me play alone in the forest even though I could defend myself, kinda.

I had been a shifter as long as I could remember and my wolf had never refused me until the shadowy figures emerged from the depths of the trees. I heard their footsteps and turned to see them walking out of the dark abyss. It confused me momentarily but their naked dirt covered bodies and their revolting musky scent sent shivers down my spine and made my wolf freeze. I knew they were mutts as soon as the scent hit my nose. I turned and ran inside. "Jeremy!" He was sat at the kitchen table with his newspaper.

"I've told you Rylee, inside voice when mommy's sleeping."


"No buts young lady, she needs rest and you shouldn't-"

"-Rogues!" I screamed making him stand instinctively in a protective crouch snarling.

But before we could do anything the footsteps rushed inside the front door. "Run Rylee, go out the back." He pushed me towards the door. "I love you."

"Dad. I love you." I sobbed.


I turned and ran out the kitchen door which led to the garden and I jumped the fence pulling myself over the top with ease and ran down the path. Before I even got 50 yards away I realised Maria was in there. "Mum." I said and turned back round running home through the front. By the time I got there thick black clouds were engulfing the place I had called home for a couple of years. I went to go inside but someone held me back "It's too dangerous." But I didn't care, I yanked my arm away, I didn't hesitate to run inside, they were my family. The only family I ever had.

The mutts were gone but there was a body on the floor, glasses knocked off his face and cracked. His eyes were glossed over and blood was still spilling onto a pool on the floor from his neck. Tears pricked my eyes but I quickly snapped out of it.

"Mum!" I screamed and ran for the stairs but I was stopped in my tracks by the flames spreading through the hallway and already ascending up the stairs. I took a breath of clean air while I had it and ran, not letting the burning flesh on my legs or the singing of my clothes stop me. Her bedroom door was open and a large ghostly figure stood over her unconscious body.

"Get away from her!" I screamed.

He looked up at me and snarled. "Little pest." He advanced on me and I would've stepped back but the fire advanced from behind. I had been trained by Jeremy, he taught me how to avoid and dodge. So I did. For a minute it worked and frustrated him but only got him angry and I didn't have time for it, the flames advanced on us with every passing second. When I had the chance I kicked him with all my might and he stumbled backwards out the open window. I stood shocked and looked out the window hesitantly to see his body on the floor, the blood splattered all over the concrete tiles.

It took a burn on my arm to get my mind out of no man's land. I looked down at my adopted mother and the anger, grief and pain gave me strength. I picked her up in a bridal carry. She wasn't heavy at all, in fact, she didn't feel like she was there really. I too her to the stairs but I wouldn't be able to get her down without setting us both alight and even falling. I ran to my room, on the other side of the house, the window was open already the way I had left it and I climbed out with her. People gasped as they watched on. I went over to the side where the car was parked. People screamed at me telling me not to do it but if I didn't we both would've died. I took a breath, cradled her head to my chest the best I could and ran jumping to try and reach the car. I made sure my body was between her and the car. I crashed into the top of the car and the metal dented caving in with our bodies. The pain hit me instantly and I knew I had broken at least my spine and my neck. The wind was knocked out of me and I struggled to breathe. The screams followed but blackness refused to take me, or my wolf refused to go. Either way I was fully conscious for the agony which followed.

I stepped off the bus and took in the first scent which hit my nose I smiled. "Home." I mumbled and started taking my first steps, chucking my bag over my shoulder. I marched down the street with my new found pride, humans and wolves alike looked in my direction bowing to my dominance. I smiled Rylee Saunders was back and no one could touch me.

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