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She watched her step as she wandered into the room that was Professor Gulliver's office. A grand room , proved his wealth and status at the school but still seemed to be minimalistic and modern in some twisted way. Many students at the school knew him as the youngest Professor to ever be the head of the game. Most were old Men or Women who had retired from playing the game themselves which had its benefits if you were able to get any information out of their tightly guarded lips about the game itself.

He also happened to be a descended of the most successful King who reigned for over ten years. The longest hold someone had over the monarch without interference of another family , having to abdicate and step down or be killed themselves. All any school ever wanted was to say a Gulliver was part of their school's game of the crown. They are valuable pieces and to have him be the head of the school' team granted you the hope that your school would reign supreme.

Which so far wasn't the case for Avon du Mars school for the gifted. Surely with the school only allowing the best of the best in they would have held a long standing hold of the crown. But it wasn't the case. Each family that had tried at Avon du Mars seemed to slack never having the great hold or mentality of a successful monarchy to win the crown.

He sat gracefully on a large throne like chair in the centre of his office watching as she found herself stood in front of his desk. Placing her hands on the edge of his desk no words were spoken between the two as he figured out what family she belonged to fight her way into. She wasn't a Valois that for sure. She didn't have the courage or determination flowing through her like others. She had a strange air of innocence tangled with a hint of determination. The same qualities his Great Grandmother held when she reigned for a short six days. She would have reigned for longer he thought. If only there hadn't been complications after the birth of his Grandmother Lillian the second. She was a strong women but it seemed that Lillian sucked all the power out of her. A horrible women she was. Manipulative. Slept around with all the kings men in the hopes of taking the reign from her brother King Timothy who was only eight when he took the crown. She resented her father for the fact he got one of his mistresses pregnant with Timothy after her mother died. If only the mistresses hadn't birthed a male heir she would have taken the throne from her mother not him. Then the history of the Gulliver's reign would have taken a different route.

But now stood in front of him was a women who held the qualities he had been told about by his nanny at bed time. She deserved to be queen he thought.

" Miss Victoria Alexandria Teller I pronounce you a dress mender at House Demure." Professor Gulliver stated his voice echoing through he office.

" but no one ever makes it into the fight for the crown in that family. They are always killed off or written out by the current Queen or King. Your writing my fate already that's not ..." Victoria begins to ramble but is stopped by a single hand raise from Professor Gulliver.

" Miss Teller, I have not written your fate as such. I believe you hold great tendencies for a Queen and you could help house demure reign supreme for Avon du Mars. Your fate is in your hands and your hands alone. Make of house demure what you will. I know they aren't the Valois or the Elise family . But under the right leader they can become the next reigning royal family with you at the lead." Professor Gulliver explains

" I guess I accept this challenge Professor Gulliver. On one condition." Victoria replies and he nods for her to continue.

" when I become queen of the Demure family I would like you to be by my side as my prime minister. I have heard great stories of House Gulliver and would be honoured to have one serve under my reign." Victoria mumbles looking down at her feet as she asked.

" your wish is my command Miss Teller." Professor Gulliver smiled allowing Victoria to leave to begin her journey in the demure family.

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