Week 2 - Taking God at his word

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Day 1

In order to be able to make it through 2012 we need to start taking God at his word. The word of God should be the 'foundation of our faith'. It should be the first thing we go to whenever we need advice. In this modern age it is so easy to get information from all kinds of places. But I believe it is just as easy or even easier to read the word of God. There are hard copies, apps for your mobile and even computerised versions that all have concordances at your very finger tips. So as you go through the week I encourage you to start to spending time reading the word of God. 1 Corinthians 2:13 tells us that when talking about the things of God we shouldn't spend time quoting what man tells us but we should answer with the word of God. All things to do with God have been explained in the bible Luke 24:27 and in so doing we will be able to understand the things of God and gain knowledge of him. Proverbs 2:1


Day 2

Growing up as a young child I used to love spending hours in the library reading books. By the time I was in year two, I had finished reading all of the books in the infant school and so I was allowed to go up to the juniour school to read the books on one condition... and that was that I help some of the older children with their reading. This was a tedious task at times, and could get so repetitive trying to teach children basic words they should've learnt at the age of four but just did not have any interest in learning. Others tried hard and were willing to learn and over a period of time they were able to improve. All children having access to the same material but each outcome different. A bit like the parable of the sower, all the seeds were planted but the possible outcome different.

So where to begin in the study of the word of God. There is no better place than to begin at the beginning of the bible. Trust me I should know, when I was younger I would go to the library and read the last few pages of the book and more times than not I would decide the book wasn't that exciting and that now I knew the ending there was no point in reading the book. Overtime I have found out. There are many more enjoyable reads that can be found by reading the first few pages as opposed to starting at the end.

As you go throughout the bible you will read many things that point to the beginning.e.g. John 1. The only way you will know what has happened is to start at the beginning. Read the bible as though it is a captivating novel, a story that will capture your mind. Pray for understanding and guidance. Don't be like the people in John 5 who refused to believe in Jesus because they didn't think the bible pointed to someone of his type. Open your heart and listen to what God has for you.


Day 3

I lay upon my prison bed

Pillow damp with tears I shed; 

With aching heart and in despair I cried

“My God there’s none who care.”

Twas than I heard a gentle voice,

Which made my weary heart rejoice,

“Oh yes, she said, God’s only son has cared 

for you since day begun.

He’ll give you grace each trial to bear,

If you appeal to him in prayer!

I prayed and prayed far in the night

And prayed through I saw the light.

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