Messages from Above devotional 2012

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This morning, I received a telephone call from a family friend who sounded rather distressed, requesting to speak to my aunt. Subsequently, I found out that this lady’s grandson went out last night to celebrate the New Year with friends. Upon leaving the club, they were met by a gang of youths who wished to start trouble. Not wishing to be involved in this the young lad and his friends decided to make a run for it. Unfortunately, this young man didn’t make it to safety.  A victim of gun crime aged 22 years old. 

Someone’s child who didn’t want to fight, unarmed and most likely unaware that last night would be his last. So why is it that that some youth have no regard for life. Life they didn’t give; but are so happy to take away.

What we need is messages of hope, messages of truth and messages of change.

This page is a collection of thoughts, songs, poetry and presentations, recipes too- a person’s got to eat lol

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Messages from Above devotional 2012Where stories live. Discover now