The Hunt for Hairsprays

Start from the beginning

"I....gave you....a heart attack?" Erin panted. "YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!"

"Well I wouldn't have done that if you didn't suddenly grabbed me like that!"

"What am I supposed to do? If I called out your name will you look back? No. You'll just run."


"Why did you even bring a dagger?"

"I needed at least something to protect me." I placed my dagger back. I started walking back down. "Come on, jerk."

"Hey Alice!" Agatha walked to the brunette.

"Yah." She answered.

"Can we go when Jamie arrives?" Agatha asked

"Yah, sure." Alice said. "As long as you promise to come back."

"Of course we'll come back!" Agatha said.

"AGGIE!" A voice behind them yelled.

Agatha looked back and saw Jamie with Erin. Jamie ran to her.

"Come on! Let's go!" Jamie smiled. "And where the heck is Kyle?"

"I dunno." Agatha shrugged. "KYLE BENJAMIN O'NEILL! WHERE ARE YOU!"

"That didn't work." Erin said.

"What didn't work?" A voice said beside him.

He looked at his side and saw Kyle. "I take back what I said."

"Ok first of all where are we gonna find a store or a mall here?" Jamie asked.

"We could always go to the city." Agatha suggested.

"Which like what, a mile away from here?" Kyle raised eyebrow.

"And it is rare to find a cab here." Jamie crossed her arms.

"Then we could always walk." Agatha said.

Jamie's eyes widened. "Nope. Never. Nuh-uh. Hell no. I am not gonna walk that far."

"Come on." Kyle and Agatha pulled her.

"Don't!" Jamie screamed away.


"And ta-da~ we're here!" Agatha smiled.

Agatha's PoV

"Ok so now what?" Jamie scowled.

If looks could kill. I'll be dead right now. We made her walk a mile with us and not just that but we also made her carry our bags.

"Well...let's go find those hairspray thingies that can make both of your hair blonde and me a black-haired girl" I said

If you're wondering why we need those kind of hairsprays is because, you guys know our Family Studies project right? That one where I got paired up with these 2 goofs? Well the project there is a talent show. So we planned to act.

And the one we're going to act is a chapter from a glorious book called: The School for Good and Evil: A World without Princes

Where I'm going to portray Agatha (obviously), a girl who has a dome-like black hair, Jamie's gonna portray Sophie, a beautiful blonde girl, and Kyle is gonna portray Tedros, a blonde and handsome prince.

So we need to turn these two black haired people into blondes and me, a redhead, into a black-haired girl.

"Ok let's go then." Kyle said.

We rode the escalator to the second floor and entered a shop. I looked around and saw a section for hair products.

"Guys look." I pointed. "Over there."

We walked there and saw the sprays on the top shelf. When I say top I mean it. I can't reach it and neither can Kyle and Jamie.

"Erin would be really helpful here." Kyle muttered.

"But he isn't here." Jamie said as she jumped up to reach the sprays. "Why am I so short?"

"'Cause you are." Kyle said flatly. I looked at him with wide eyes. He did not just said that.

"Let me try reaching it." I stood up from where I was sitting and tried reaching it. Jamie walked closer to Kyle.

I can hear Jamie pinching Kyle's ear and Kyle tickling Jamie in return. Yup you heard me, Jamie's weakness is tickling.

"Aggie! Let me have a try there again." Jamie called.

"K." I made way for her. She started climbing the shelves while I looked out for employees.

She reached the hairsprays. She took 2 yellow cans and 1 black.

"There." She said.

"You know you looked like a real professional thief." Kyle pointed out.

"Oh Ha.Ha. At least I helped, unlike you who just sat there." Jamie said.

Kyle stuck his tongue at her. Wow mature. Very mature.

"Come on guys let's go." I said.

3rd PoV

The 3 arrived back to the Park at sundown. The others already arranged the camp place. They were near the lake with the tents forming an arc.

Between the lake and the tents was a bonfire complete with logs circling it so they can sit nearby the fire.

Others were already cooking from the grill they brought.

Jamie pulled out her camera and took a picture of the scene. The flash of the camera turned the others attention to her.

"Finally! You guys are back!" Daniel said. He walked to them. "Now we can finally decide the tents."

"What?" Agatha asked.

"To be fair to all, Charles thought of an idea that half of us will pick from a bag a piece of paper with a person's name written in it."

"And the the person gets is who he/she will be with?" Kyle asked


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