Final Notes

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I promised I'd finish Edelweiss Pirates but... What's the point? Yeah, I get this book is a lot more popular than my Danganronpa book but... I'm just not the Hetalia fan-girl I used to be when I started this. I used to be able to upload weekly, daily even and now I can barely upload ever. I have all my major exams and promising to finish this book is not my main priority. My main focus now is exams and then Danganronpa. That's right. I'm officially discontinuing this book.

I'm extremely grateful to everyone who's favourited, commented and even shared this book. Hell, I'm surprised we even got past five hundred reads, let alone seventeen thousand! I'm so God damn grateful and I'm really sorry that I can no longer update this book. Believe me, I'd love to but I just can't. No matter what I write isn't good enough and it just isn't as pleasing anymore. Therefore, I'm discontinuing this book. So for all you guys who were dying for more chapters of this book, I'm afraid it's never coming. I hope you guys have had as much joy as I had writing this as you guys had reading it.

However, if you simply are dying to read my work, my Danganronpa book has just started a new series based in a zombie apocalypse! So if you like that kind of stuff or Danganronpa in general, feel free to read it! There's still several things out there if you don't enjoy zombie apocalypses. After reading this chapter, just click on my profile picture and you'll be directed to my page. Just click on the book and go wild if you don't know how to.

Once again, I'm sincerely sorrowful it's come to this. I know a lot of people enjoyed this book and there's still people out there reading this and wanting more but it's not coming. Even if you haven't heard or seen Danganronpa, I highly recommend you at least give it a try if you enjoyed this and want to continue seeing my work. Thank you all so much for encouraging me on this journey and I hope you can still support me with what I'm doing now.

Thank you all so much for helping and aiding me on my progress to being a writer. I could never have imagined getting this far as it's all thanks to you guys! So whether you've been here since the SMOH cringe to even just joining today, thank you for giving me a chance. It means so much people have taken time out of their lives to read my work.

If now this becomes abandoned for all eternity, let's all be happy and remember the good times.

Sincerely, The Author
Maralina Sakura

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