<Baking And Lush!> 2P!England

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Can we all just take a moment to shame me because I just realised I've only written one 2P! kind of thing before and it was 2P!Norway... So, I'm going to do some 2P!s for a bit... 2P!s are cool, though. I get to be a true emo.

You took a breath of confidence and you cut the final ribbon standing between you and your new bakery called "Lush Deluxe". It had been your mother's dream to open up a café or bakery and she'd have been so proud of you to see you reach this accomplishment. Overall, it wasn't exactly anything spectacular but with the support of the town and the citizens, you managed to get a lot of publicity and you hoped the best of what was to come. "As I cut this ribbon..." You held the scissors up high for everyone to see. "I now announce Lush Deluxe..." Cliché pausing for tension.... "OPEN!" You cut the ribbon and held open the doors for everyone to enter and get a free sample of your homemade bread, cakes, muffins and fairy cakes which you had prepared before-hand for the occasion.

Roughly a few hours later and it was already sunset. You gave a quite unattractive yawn as you took off your soiled apron. As you were about to place your apron in the back room, you heard the chime of the bell on the door. "Sorry! We're just closing up! You'll have to come back tomorrow!" you yelled but you never heard the bell chime again. Curious, you trailed over and glanced over the empty counter to see a man with light ginger-ish hair, probably roughly in his mid-twenties. "Oh, hello, Poppet!" the man gleamed in such a way it seemed threatening. Natural human instincts took in and it felt like you were about to be killed. "I-Is there something you need...?" you asked politely with a smile. He placed a finger to his mouth like a child. "Yes, just wanted to ask if you wanted to visit my bakery opening tomorrow..." Your eyes widened in shock. How could he just open a bakery the day after you opened yours?! "You're kidding!" you exclaimed in disbelief. "I'll see you tomorrow, Poppet!" After that, he left and you slouched on the counter.

The next day...

You couldn't sleep at all last night. All you could think about was that strange but also extremely attractive man. He never told you his name but he never left your thoughts for a second. It bothered you to a point where you noticed that your heart had been beating faster than what was probably natural. Was it nerves that all your efforts had gone to waste or were you actually finding something to him? You picked out a (f/c) T-shirt with a matching skirt and headed off to work again. "I better go get the bread to rise..." you said aloud as you unlocked the still freshly-made key to the knob. You tied your hair into a high pony-tail and rushed off to turn the ovens on and start kneading and gathering multiple supplies.

Compared to the other day, business had been extremely slow. Maybe it was because of all the success yesterday that maybe they thought to give you a day off? Sighing, you placed a fresh batch of light blue cupcakes on a display case and casually watched everyone walk past. All of a sudden, the bell chimed and you attempted your signature saying in a "cute" tone. "Welcome to Lush Deluxe! How may I- It's you." You frowned when you realised it was the same person as yesterday. "Poppet! Don't worry me like that!" He came behind the counter and hugged you tightly, making you quote the bit uncomfortable as he nuzzled your neck. "I thought you were coming over?" he purred into your ear. "I forgot..." you stated awkwardly and showed signs that you wanted him to get off you. "Why don't you come over now, then?" You could see the pure excitement in his sparkling blue eyes. Feeling hopeless, you nodded and he dragged you down the street.

"Oh, Poppet! How rude of me! I didn't tell you my name! I'm Oliver!" Well, at least you felt a little more assured knowing his name. His bakery was packed full of people you saw yesterday at your opening and it made you feel unmotivated to the max. "I'm ___ ___, nice to meet you." you sweat dropped as he took you into the back room. The room was filled with samples of all kinds of compliments, ovens, kneading boards and cutlery. "Here's where the magic happens! Want to try a cupcake, Poppet?" To be honest, the cupcake looked a million times better than yours. "Holy shit! These look amazing!" you cried but Oliver had a different look. "No swearing! Naughty!" Out of nowhere, he bumped you on the head with his hand which nearly caused you to dropped the rainbow coloured cupcake onto the floor.

"Ow! I'm sorry!" He patted you on the head like you were a child trying to make the wound better. You weren't sure if to feel happy or feel assaulted but his gentle touch made your heart race a little. You took a small bite out of the cupcake as and sure as hell tasted delicious. It felt obvious why his place was doing a lot better in every way. "What do you think?" he asked with a cheer. "It's amazing, Oliver! You're absolutely talented!" He let out a chuckle and proceeded to wipe a bit of frosting tipped on your nose. Obviously, you blushed deeply at his sudden motion. "Awh! You look so cute, Poppet! I could just eat you up! Literally." As soon as he said that last word, your vision started to become a bit hazy before you blacked out and fell to the floor with a thud. "You're going to taste amazing, Poppet..."


When you finally came to, you realised you were no longer in that gorgeous kitchen you once saw before. Your wrists ached when you saw you were tied to a pole in probably Oliver's basement. "Oliver, I thought you said that the girl before was the last one..." "Hush, Allen. I'd tell you anything these days. I promise this is the last one." "You're a sick motherfucker, you know?" "Swear jar!" You heard a huff and the dropping of some coins into what probably was the jar mentioned. When you heard the door open, you became immobilised in fear of the unknown. The sound of shoes leaping down the creaking stairs didn't make you feel better at all. "Hello, Poppet! Nice to see you looking fresh." You refused to make eye contact with his murderous eyes and continued looking at your bruised knees. "What's wrong, ___? I missed that sweet smile I adore so much..." He cupped your cheeks with his ice-cold palms to force you to look him in the eyes. Those eyes that seemed so innocent had somehow now become something you'd dread for centuries.

"Why are you doing this?" you wept as tears streamed down your cheeks. "Why? Because you look so cute, of course! I'll let you suffer a little more and I'll deal with you in the morning..." The smile on his face near disappeared for a moment and it always sent shivers up your spine. You knew from the beginning you never should have trusted him... What seemed like decades, the door crept open again once more but from how the footsteps sounded, you knew this was someone else. "Hello, Dollface." the guy, who you assumed was the so-called "Allen" from before, winked at you. "You're... Allen, right?" He nodded and knelt down next to you. "I don't want that bastard to kill another one of you, so I'm letting you free." he whispered as he carefully untied the ropes binding your wrists and ankles. His red eyes showed determination, unlike Oliver's which only showed insanity. "Thank you..." you replied and leaped up from the spot but your legs were still a bit off-balanced from having blood cut-off for so long. "Careful, Doll. Make too much noise and he'll hear you and we'll both be screwed. Now, get out before I change my mind." You didn't need to be told twice and ran to the entrance to the house.


Several weeks had passed since you finally arrived and entered back into your normal life. Oliver's bakery had mysteriously shut down due to "sanitation issues" but you knew it was for another reason. Lush Deluxe's business had been booming since then and you knew your mother would be smiling down upon you. However... You never saw Oliver or Allen again and you constantly feared what might have happened after. Even thought Oliver was your kidnapper and nearly your murderer, you still kind of had a soft spot for him like he was misunderstood instead of mad. All that you wished was that nothing bad happened to the two of them...

Oliver's POV?

"Allen, where did ___ go?" I questioned with a fierce gaze. "No idea." he replied as he flipped the page on one of his magazines. "Clearly you do. Matt and Francois have have been out all day!" All he did was shake his head again. "Nope."
The next day, Allen nearly fainted at the sight of all the meat stockpiled in the fridge. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY FOOD?!" he screamed at the top of his lungs as he frantically scattered through to try to find at least a carrot or something.

"Swear jar~!"

Author's Notes: Ew what is this what have I done this feels crap ewewewew. LIKE HOW DOES ONE END SOMETHING LIKE THIS HELP

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