<Cuddly Teddy-Bear Valentine?> Russia

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Russia's like a gigantic plush toy, okay? I just want to hug him so badly ; -;


"Are you thinking about them again?" You sat blatantly next to him with his violet eyes nearly stained red with tears. "Here, it'll be okay. Smile!"

Ever since that day, Ivan always stayed close to you and you to him. You were nearly inseparable. Always there for each other when you were sad... For him when he thought too deeply of his sisters and you when you felt the world turn against you.

February 13th- the day before Valentine's Day

"I was thinking of asking ___ out for Valentine's Day." chimed Alfred happily. The Allies were sitting and chatting in a local café you worked as a waitress for. "You okay, Ivan, aru~? Everyone sweat dropped at the devil aura emitting from Ivan's body, kinda freaky. "Hey, guys!" Ivan's aura returned to normal. "Didn't see you walk in! Shall I go get you some coffee?" You turned on your heel with a joke wink and walked off to get more orders. "Well, if you're going to go ask her, I'd think the perfect time would to do it when she gets off for the day. Not that I care or anything." Arthur shuddered a little.

About ten minutes later, you straddled out holding several plates filled up with different drinks and condiments. "Whoa!" Looks like you had been carrying more than you could manage but just before you fell over, the trays were lifted out of your hands, allowing you to catch your balance on the nearby counter. "Try not to handle too much, da?" Your voice croaked a horse "thanks" and readjusted your white apron. "God damn it, I'm blushing! Aaahh!" You tried your best to hide it but it was clear he had already noticed from his facial expression. After that awkward encounter, you managed to successfully deliver the rest of the warm drinks and the café was quiet for the rest of the day.

There was a beautiful sunset coming from outside which filled your spirits high with morale. Since it was a bit chilly, obviously from this time of year, you whipped on your (f/c) coat before leaving the quaint café. "Hahhhh! It's so cold!" On your path back home, you let out a small sneeze which earnt you a weird look from a lady walking her tiny dog.  Down the road, you saw a tall figure down the road like it was waiting for something. Slightly intimidating. "Hey, ___, dude!" "W-whoa!" You nearly fell backwards from the sudden shock of Alfred dashing in front of your path. He apologised with a red dust across his face- what? You felt kind of confused while your knees were shivering from the cold. You always hated how the café made you wear he shortest skirt they could legally make you wear... But it was a job that you needed. For now.

"Is there something you want, Alfred? I'm freaking freezing!" you cried. "Arthur gave me some advice earlier and I want you to be my valentine!" He held out a small box of chocolates wrapped in blue and purple paper with a single rose on top. Your heart felt like it was going to explode out of your chest. As much as you wanted to accept... You couldn't. "Alfred... Sorry... I can't accept this." His dorky smile turned into a sulk but it was clear he understood why. "T-there's someone else, I guess. I'll see you later, okay?" With a little wave, you walked past but he took a grasp on your arm. He took that sly opportunity to plant a tiny cheek kiss upon you. And with that, you ran with your face burning after releasing yourself from the alight struggle and daze. You couldn't care to look back anymore.


You didn't stop until you finally reached home. Honestly, you were exhausted from all the running. What really confused you was why you ran with such furious speed. With little energy, you searched your pockets to attempt to find your mangled keys. They were nowhere to be found... "I must've left them at the café... Damn it..." You slumped on the doorstep and threw your head into your hands, your (h/l) (h/c) hair surrounding your vision. Goose bumps trailed every inch of skin and you felt like you might freeze to death at any rate. If only Ivan was here... Why am I thinking about him!? As much as you wanted to deny the fact, feelings did kind of begin to blossom for the "big-boned" fellow. With a slap of your cheeks, you refocused on your current situation. Not good looking so far. The café would have been locked up by your stern manager by now and he'd be pissed if you called him at this kind of time.

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