<The Hero's Bedtime Story> America SHORT

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Child!ReaderXBrother!America SHORT

In (late) celebration of World Book Day.

"Big brother!" you cried out, covering your tiny and innocent face under the cover. It was currently the middle of the night and you had been having a lot of nightmares recently, causing you to wake up in a near-state of tears most nights. Tonight was one of those nights where your terrors invaded you once again. "Another nightmare again, lil sis?" He silently opened the door and whispered with a hushed tone as he come to your bedside. "Y-Yeah... The big bad wolf was chasing me again!" Every time, your brother, Alfred, would come to your room and comfort you until you felt safe to fall asleep again. It made you always feel a million times better having such a strong big brother to always protect you no matter what! He let out a light sigh but still provided the biggest smile imaginable. He pulled over a pale pink chair and handed you your other brother's, now of which belongs to you, old stuffed toys. This one was your favourite. A small white polar bear covered in fluff which looked over you when you were awake or asleep.

"How about I tell you another one of my super hero stories?" You cheered, motioning him to start eagerly. "One day, there was a brave superhero called Captain Alfred." You giggled at the usage of his name in glee. "Captain Alfred defended the city everyday from all sorts of baddies!" He performed the gun sign and shot in wild directions. "But sometimes, he couldn't handle it all himself. He had the help of his special little sister! But what was her name again...? Can you help me, ___?" "Her name was (superhero name)!" "(Superhero name)! That's it! The both of them were able to stop evil no matter what. They were overlooking the city one night and saw a man in a nearby alleyway!" You gasped childishly while your eyes showed determination to catch the criminal. "He was eying up an old woman's purse!" "We need to stop him, big brother!" With a cry, you jumped up and out of the covers before sitting back down with your legs crossed.

"Right as the man was about to pounce, Captain Alfred and (superhero name) jumped out suddenly and caught him!" You clapped and screamed happily. "He was captured and the pair had saved the day again! The end!" You tackled Alfred heavily as he stroked your (h/c) hair lovingly. "You're the best big brother ever." "And you're the best lil sis anyone could ever dream of having." He left the room with a wave, seeing as you were calm down, and dimmed down the lights. Not fully or the monsters might come again!

You never had a nightmare again since. Though, that doesn't mean that he ever stopped telling you those stories!

Author's Notes: Just a quick thing I wrote in ten minutes.

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