<Skadi> Denmark

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I doubt many of you guys know, but I absolutely love mythology! So, I decided to make a sub-series based on gods/goddesses of different backgrounds. Such as Roman, Greek, Norse, Chinese and Mayan. Of course, the gods/goddesses will be replaced with the characters of Hetalia and I'll list them so it's not as complicated. All other names of unimportant characters will stay the same.

___- Skadi Goddess of Winter
America- Loki The Trickster God
Germany- Odin The All-Father
Denmark- Njord God of Summer
France- Baldur God of Beauty(?)

Aiming your wooden bow silently at one of the many animals that lived on the snowy mountain region of Thrymheim, you felt a slight chill run up your spine. "Kaldr, did you feel that?" you asked your wolf who was glaring holes at the prey at foot. He shook his head and fur in denial. "Odd..." you let loose the arrow attached to your arrow and it directly pierced the body of the animal, leaving it to slowly have its blood drain out onto the snow. Throwing it over your back and withdrawing your bow, you took the short route down the mountains to return to your father, Thjazi. Thjazi had recently kidnapped a young goddess from Asgard called Idun, if you recall correctly. She was a fair maiden if "fair" is even the correct phrase for a "youth-giving" goddess. There had been several attempts to get her back to Valhalla but Thjazi was always able to fight them back for the most part. Sometimes you and Kaldr did have to help but that was only very rarely if Thjazi had been injured. "I'm back." you declared as you entered your small hut. There was no response.

You threw the bleeding animal carcass on the frozen table while Kaldr kept poking his nose around it to make sure it was still lifeless. "You in here?" you called out before poking your head around the door to where Idun would have been held captive. Idun's rusted shackles were shattered and Thjazi laid stiff on the floor. Rage fulled your body to every crevice it could reach. Revenge was the only thing that would control your burning desire of murder. And the only way to get it was to travel to Valhalla and fight with the gods. Armor and weapon on-hand, you made your way to Asgard. Your blood was boiling and you crashed down the door to Valhalla's hallroom. All the gods looked at you in shock. So many were there. From Freya to Tyr, to even Thor. "I demand justice for the murder of my father, Thjazi!" Your cries echoed throughout the room so much that even Hoenir might have gasped [A/E He's apparently "The Silent God"] Immediately, some of the gods attempted to calm you down. Despite your confusion, you allowed them to sit you down and try to convince you to accept reparations for the murder of your father. They took your weapons away and you commanded Kaldr to stay calm.

First, Ludwig, the All-Father, took Thjazi's dazzling eyes and threw them into the night sky. They became the two most beautiful stars you had ever seen. Second, the gods all took turns to make you laugh so you would forget the sorrow inside of your ice heart. Your face remained unamused while some of the other gods were laughing their heads off at the attempts of the others. You began to grow impatient but one of the gods, Alfred, sat you down cautiously back on your chair. It looked like the Trickster God had one final trick up his... Surprisingly short sleeves. "Goodness, Alfred, that's disgusting!" One of the gods called out, Francis was his name and he was possible the most attractive gods you had ever laid your eyes on... Alfred had tied rope around a goat the other around his... "private parts" and started playing tug-of-war with it. [A/E I wish I made that up but that's what the story says..."At last,  tied one end of a rope to a goat and the other end around his testicles and began a game of tug of war with the goat."] Everyone was howling and filling the great hall with laughter but still your lips remained in a frown. It all seemed hopeless to make you chuckle, but all of a sudden, Alfred fell over and collapsed into your lap, causing a slight flutter of laughter to escape.

"Finally, ___, to turn jour desire for vengeance into something less," Ludwig turned towards the male gods who, in turn, lined up next to him. "Ve have agreed to allow you to choose a god of your choice to marry. Who it is shall be decided randomly from his feet." You immediately noticed Francis was in the line but you weren't allowed to register their position as they moved around after you were blinded. Your heart raced as you looked out for the fairest and most stunning legs and feet you could see, thinking they would be Francis'. You looked up from those legs to not see Francis, but Mathias, the God of Summer. And so it was, by marriage, you became a goddess. Specifically, the Goddess of Winter. The two of you had a magnificent wedding and you were both happy, despite your extreme opposites. At least, you didn't know what to think. Your heart was confused but also full of glee. It all fell apart when it came to decide where to settle down. In your home in the mountains of Thrymheim or by the beach of Mathias' house of Noatun. The two of you spent the first nine days together in Thrymheim. It was fabulous for you but Mathias constantly briefly declared that it was loathsome and the cries of Kaldr and the other wolves to which he preferred the sound of the swans every morning. He managed to convince you on the tenth day to move to Noatun.

Again, you tried staying there for nine days but the cries of seabirds ruptured your earbuds and you found it impossible to sleep at the high temperatures and calls of the ocean. On the tenth day, you had had enough. You arose from the bed you two shared together, gathered your weapons and armor and Kaldr and set off back to Thrymheim. [A/E This is where the story ends but for the sake of romantic one-shots, this last bit was completely made up by me. This last bit is in no way part of official Norse mythology]

You sighed deeply as you returned back to your hut. The fact that the simplest of marriage didn't work out depressed you. Kaldr kept brushing up against your leg as he desperately tried to comfort you in any way he could. "There's a good boy, Kaldr..." You sighed deeply as you gazed fondly at the ring Mathias had given you on the day of your wedding. It sparkled with different shades of blue, representing the harsh winters and the warm summer sea. The Goddess of Winter and the God of Summer. There was no doubt that it would never work. But... It didn't mean you didn't have hope for him... "You miss him too, huh?" You petted Kaldr softly on his nimble head as he gave a slight whimper. "Pathetic how a simple place of living could drive someone apart in eighteen days, no less..." To your surprise, a silent knock brushed against the icy door. Hesitantly, you walked over and slowly opened it. You gasped to see Mathias standing there like he was freezing his sweet tits off.

"The swans have been lonely without you." Your heart started beating rapidly at the sound of his voice. Just because you left didn't mean you didn't develop some feelings for the idiotic brat. "Won't you come back and be the queen of Scandinavia- I mean Noatun?" Your mind was spinning. But Kaldr looked so excited... "A-Alright... I'll give it another go..." His entire face brightened brighter than the sun, which in Thrymheim, wasn't very bright since it would be constantly covered by snow storms. You walked back to Noatun together but as soon as you got back, the sounds of the ducks echoed within your ears, giving you a massive headache. The temperature was too hot as well! You nearly bolted to the door but someone stopped you. "Ludwig?" "Ja, zit is me. I saw how jou two keep trying to get together vhich is very admirable." He threw some sort of white powder drug lord powers activate which covered the evening dusk. The sound of the birds suddenly became bearable and the temperature returned to a suitable state. It was all so peaceful now... "I restored balance here." Ludwig stated. "Zhe seasons vill flow naturally now."

Once Ludwig left, Mathias grasped your hands tightly with never ending compassion within his glossy eyes. "Jeg elsker dig, my queen." He winked flirtatiously and pecked your lips suddenly, causing you to blush like the sunset. Without hesitation, you furiously kissed back with force and battled each other for dominance with your tongues. Who knew the God of Summer could be so "steamy"?

Poor Kaldr. After the "display" of affection and... moaning..., he hid in the corner like he was praying to God to be killed and spared already. Poor, poor Kaldr. He'll have to be dealing with that for a long time now.

The God of Summer and the Goddess of Winter finally reunited thanks to the perseverance and Odin's drug lord powers and determination. Looks like Loki will have to tie his balls to a goat again.

Author's Notes: So, you're probably thinking. Why the hell is Denmark Njord? Well, originally, it was a Denmark chapter but Kaldr was secretly Denmark and he'd turn into his human form and stuff like that but... Eh... If you really want me to change it, I'll write a separate ending but I don't really care much. I think my next Goddess might be Isis or Nemesis. Who knows.

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