<A Scrap Of Paper> Romano

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Oohhh Romano, we freaking wuv chu... We freaking wuv chu.... We freaking wuvchu... Ohhhh Romano we freaking wuv chu... But you belong with Spain! WHOOO!!!! *Giggles like a Japanese school girl* OH MAH GOD ZAWB YOU SO RACISTTTTTTTT!!! Nu, I'm not on sugar right nawh, wai chu askie? IF YOU'RE GOING TO CALL ME A PANDA TELL IT TO MY FACE!!! *Hides* Eheheheh...

Country Names:


Antonio = Spain

You have never been exactly fond of the summer months. You'd always been one of those "curl up near the fire to keep warm" kind of people who just likes to stay indoors no matter what the weather is like. Winter was probably your favourite season by far simply because you preferred to have a better reason to stay indoors. When it snowed, it was absolutely perfect. You always felt more relaxed in the colder seasons rather than the warmer like most people. Unfortunately, today was one of those extremely hot summer days. You stood in front of Alfred with a stern posture while trying your best to display your best poker face. Though, deep down inside, you were kind if terrified. Damn, why did you let Francis do this in the first place!? You seriously just wanted to slap yourself right now at your own stupidity and foolishness but also fiercely yell at Lichtenstein for making you go first in the first place out of her own cowardliness.

With a depriving gulp, you skimmed passed which seemed quite sharp but also quite smooth which contradicted your opinions of the "thing" you has discovered. "Ah." you whimpered as quietly as you could as your attempt to pull it out you must have cut yourself or something on your index finger. You peered with keen interest to seen a tiny piece of paper folded neatly into a tiny form. Hence ignoring the small trail of blood dripping down your right hand, you opened the flimsy paper to see written in scruffy handwriting the word "Bastard". "__! You're bleeding! Here." You watched closely as Alfred placed a tight plaster around your bleeding hand and a cloth to dry up the blood. Who would have though that such a piece of paper would have been able to make such a cut?

You thought quietly to yourself, giving a little hum in the meantime, when you suddenly realized the obvious potential of who it is. "Lovino, this is yours right? Of course it is, why do I bother asking?" You turned around on your heel with Lovino slowly catching up behind with a slight irritated look on his expression which kind of made you feel cheerful. Maybe because you just teased him or embarrassed him? Either way, you felt good about it as you stashed the paper on a shelf when the two of you walked inside your walk-in wardrobe. You took a deep inhale as for some reason, when Francis was showing you the timer, Antonio smashed him to the ground and punched him... Strange.

Without any kind of intention, you stared at how cute his curl was. For some reason, it made your heart race when you looked at any part of him. He had always been adorable in your opinion. You loved how he would get all defensive over his younger brother whenever he got closed to that German. Your ear twitched slightly as you could swear you might have heard Lovino keep saying the name cuss word over and over again. "Look, I know you and I both don't want to do this but why don't you try being positive about this?" you cheered with a gigantic smile crossing over. Without saying a word, he gave a great pouting face which seemed to turn against you. "You don't have to be like that, you know. It's not like anything'll-" Your track of thought was cast away in an instant as you felt the smooth pressure of Lovino press against you.

Your eyes widened in a shock to you as Lovino's lips consumed yours with his hands touching your waist. When you finally had a chance to speak, you couldn't. You matter what you tried to say, your toungue would swallow it all back up again. "You bastard. Say something!" he yelled in your face, giving you spears of terror shooting through your body giving a feel of complete paralysis. "W-what do you expect me to say? You just kissed me out the blue!" you screamed back; pounding on his shoulder. "Damn it! Come on!" He cussed profanity at you once again before kissing you passionately on the lips once again which made your knees go weak.

With nothing left to do, all you could muster up to do was to pull on his haircurl and hope for the best of freedom. Not that you actually wanted it but this just freaking you out a little of how sudden this had happened. You lifted your hand and harshly yanked on his haircurl which made him pull back furiously and give a weird sound which sounded like "Chigi"... You heard the distinct sound of creaking as you glanced over to see the wardrobe door being opened with Antonio being held back with a black-eyed Francis standing there. Damn, you almost felt sorry for Francis for a moment, then you remembered what had happened last time you met so those feelings went away pretty quickly.


Le Time Skip


Ever since that fated night, you and Lovino hadn't spoken a word with eachother but whenever you both met each other by coincidence, you'd just stare for a moment before immediately awkwardly continuing your paths. For some strange reason, one day you started to get the craving for Italian cruisine so you randomly took a trip to Italy. After eating at an Italian resturant, you decided to head back to your hotel room you had booked at sunset before you found yourself staring intentively at a tourist shop filled to the brooks with shelves stock-piled with postcards, jewelry and much more. Your [e/c] eyes sparkled as you caught the glimpse of a charm braclet within the shop window. To your most heaving disappointment, the bracelet was far out of your price range and you forgot to exchange your currency before you left...

You closed your eyes for a moment before traveling down the street after abandoning all hope of getting that bracelet. Though, your trail was halted by the sudden pressure applied to your arm by the grasping of someone. You turned out to see a panting Lovino in your presence. Without saying anything, he offered you a small paper bag which inside was holding the contents of the exact same bracelet you had seen in the shop window. "I still love you!" he confessed before pulling you into a giant embrace. Your heart raced drastically as you could feel his body warmth. With tears welling up in your eyes, you returned those same feelings before you pulled yourself out; only to be pulled back in again as the two of you shared a romantic kiss in the silent streets of Italy under the sunset.

Author's Note: NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT PRESS SIDE BUTTON ON MOUSE AS IT FORCED YOU TO CHANGE PAGE WITHOUT THE POP-UP APPEARING. Yes, I was typing this story but I accidentally tapped one of the buttons, sending me back a page and losing half the story... So now you can probably see where I just got infuriated and just went "OH FOR GOD'S SAKE YOU STUPID PIECE OF MACHINERY YOU NEVER WORK!!!!!" So this chapter took another half an hour longer than I wanted it to to make. *Le sigh* I hate my life.

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