The Party Begins!

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NOTE: Since this was some of my early work, the first few chapters do not contain accents of some kinds. However, later on, accents will come into effect (in some sort). This message only applied to the Seven Minutes section of this book and the one-shot sections all have full accents.

NOTE: After around Belarus' chapter, these "Country human named used" sections stop as when I was writing this, it wasn't dedicated to Hetalia fans but more of people who followed me on social media and didn't know Hetalia that well.

Country human named used:

Elizabeta = Hungary

Alfred = America

Francis = France

Natalya = Belarus

Arthur = England

Lichtenstein = Lily

Ukraine = Yekaterina

Checklist and pen in-hand, you scan your beautifully decorated room while finally ticking off the final box on your list with your [f/c] pen. It's been quite a while since you came to know all the countries and you couldn't wait to be able to see them all again on this special celebration you've been planning for tonight! You let out a slight sigh of relief as you planted yourself on the nearby sofa next to you. Your [e/c] eyes gazed open wide as you realized you need to get dressed first! Thankfully, you already had a special selection ready for yourself planned! It was an easy decision as you hastily put on your best [f/c] dress and matching [f/c] shoes.

You pin-pointed the clock next to your bed and ran downstairs to double check everything was set for the party before you suddenly got shocked by the sound of the doorbell. You took a deep breath to set in the first countries and before you knew it, everyone was here. You lightly placed yourself between an open space on one of the open sofas available; right between Lily and Elizabeta who both greeted you with massive hugs. "This is a great party, ____!" beamed Elizabeta right in your face before you felt a hand place down on your shoulder abruptly.

"Alfred!" You squealed at him before giving him a gigantic hug in excitement. You both laughed while discussing the latest news and such but you both were interrupted by a sudden clinging of glasses. "Isn't it about time we spiced up this party a little? I propose a special game..." You glanced over to see Francis who was pulling a really perverted face of which you had quite the distaste against. He obviously noticed the look on your face as he gave a little wink at you before finally announcing "Seven Minutes In Heaven, of course!". Moans and groans came across the room and you felt quite sorry for Lily as you noticed how uncomfortable her expression was.

After a final debate, and Arthur hitting Francis around the head, you and all the other female countries were forced to leave the room as the male countries placed an item into a hat you brought down from your room. "Don't you think this is a little bit ridiculous!?" screamed Natalya and before pouting in the corner. Everyone seemed in quite distressed but Lily seemed the obvious worse with Yekaterina trying to calm her down by holding her hand and telling her it'll be alright. You felt quite uneasy about the situation as well.

"Okay, you guys can come back now!" squealed Francis as he hand motioned you back into the main room. "Who's going first?" was the main question on everyone's minds. "___, why don't you go first? You're the hostess after all..." whimpered Lily as she hid behind Yekaterina in fear. With you heart beating fast, you looked at all the other female countries before giving up and finally stepping forward.

"Don't be nervous. You'll be fine, I promise, ___." Alfred whispered as he held out the hat out wide as you turned your head away. You placed your hand in and...

Author's Note: This is my first fan-fiction, so I hope you enjoyed this introduction and I will get to work on the characters as soon as possible! Feel free to request characters and if this gets popular enough, I MAY do 2!ps. Thanks for reading and look forward to those relationships :3

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