Seven Years Later: A Review

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Well, well, well. Somehow this book is still getting views several years after I stopped updating. It's... pretty crazy, in all seriousness.

I started writing Seven Minutes of Heavenly Hetalia back in 2015. I was fourteen back then. I'm now 21! That's a significant amount of time that's passed and I wanted to do a quick review of... my old writing style, I suppose?

I've come a long way since 2015. I no longer suffer from depression being the main thing. My reasons for writing have entirely changed. My inspirations... ideals... Sorry, this is probably boring and I'm not quite sure why I'm writing this at almost 1AM on a Sunday but humour me, will you?

2022 has been a strange year for me. 

I graduated from university with a degree in law.
I started working full-time in the legal field.

Pretty significant changes, if I do say so.

Okay, fine, I'll stay on topic. 2022 brought around the end of my writer's block that I had been suffering from since 2016/2017 time. I think what it was realising my potential. People do like what I write; some people are even inspired.

I wrote an entire-length novel (123k) in four months about Severus Snape, for goodness sake. Then I spent the last, what, two or three months writing Sequentia, my Harry Potter one-shot book. That ended up being over 130k words too. 

I felt pretty proud of Sequentia, in all honesty. Like I had finally honed my craft. Then I look back at Memories and... oh boy. I have come a long way since then.

When I see Memories, I think 'dear Lord. Why was my fourteen-year-old self so phobic of pressing the enter button to make a new paragraph?'. Not to mention that some of the earliest one-shots are less than a thousand words! Christ! Now writing one-shots in the 7k words spectrum makes me feel embarrassed for back then.

But hey. We all have to start from somewhere, don't we? Feeling embarrassed and cringing at this book is a sign that I've grown and developed. It's okay to feel ashamed about it so long as you're happy about it.

I am happy about Memories. Starting it was one of the best decisions I've made in my life because it allowed me to start a writing career. 

Speaking of career, I'm in the process of planning a novel which I do intend to publish one day. Maybe one day you'll see my name in bookstores. Wouldn't that be nice? My entry page reading something like:

'Author Maralina Sakura started writing at 14. Her first online publication, Memories, featured romantic stories about characters from the anime series, Hetalia.'

Well, it's almost 1AM and I've lost the plot of where I was going with this. I doubt anyone is going to read this anyway and I apologise if seeing the little 'MaralinaSakura has updated ~Memories~ Hetalia One-Shots' notification makes you think I've come back. I don't even remember most of the things about Hetalia, won't lie.

All I know about it now is that I simp for France.

Check out my other books for my 'new gen' works. I recommend Sequentia if you want to date Harry Potter characters.

I'm heading to bed. Goodnight.

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