<Parting Ways> Italy P. 2

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Chapter 2: Lavender And Fresh Dreams

"Perhaps we can find a way to make this work? After all, you're quite charming..."

"TO: ___ ___
SENDER: Feliciano Vargas

I think we need a break. Sorry, Bella."

"What..?" You didn't know what to say. You never thought Feliciano was one of those people... You tried your best to catch your shaky breathing, but it only lead to even more tears leaking down your face. It had only been one day and now... This was the worst day ever. Even the fresh air couldn't help you now. Your boyfriend of two years now just suddenly letting you down with no explanation. "You know what? This could be a good thing, r-right?' with a stutter you mumbled as you wiped your face clean of the dampness. You arose slowly and made your way back to your dorm room with a hint of carefulness so nobody would see you. You didn't even want to talk to Lucy.

That same scent of lavender dug into your nostrils powerfully but now there was a hint of lilac as well. Whoever choose these incenses, probably the house mother, had a weird but somewhat pleasure choice. You grabbed your keys and casually entered your room and saw a tightly wrapped box on your bed with colourful blue and purple wrapping paper. Eyebrow raised you lifted it and shook it. Sounded like... Chocolates? You hastily opened it up to see a polished silver flute inside and a few packets of (favourite chocolate brand). "A flute?" You picked the flute up and placed it to your lips. Obviously, you sounded terrible when you tried to play it; that should be expected. In the corner of your eye was a faded pink sheet of card.

"Dear ___,

I noticed that you never specified a musical talent when you forwarded your sheets. Obviously, I can't just throw a piano in here, that would be daft. Instead, I found this lying around so I cleaned it up just for you. I'll happily give you lessons. Perhaps we could find a way to make this work? After all, you're quite charming...

Meet me in H6 tomorrow at 3PM.

Sincerely, Rodrich."

Why the hell is Rodrich sending me this? you thought as you twirled the flute between your index finger and thumb. It was a nice distraction for a good ten minutes but then your mind drifted back to Feliciano. The cute, innocent Italian. That's what you used to think. You gave a huffed and sat down on your bed and looking that Feli's contact in your phone. You hit the dial option... No answer. You tried again... Some thing. You felt flustered and frustrated. Your head felt dizzy and your body felt light. "P-P-Perhaps I should try later?" You got some fleeced pyjamas out of one of the wooden drawers and climbed into the spacious shower. The steam cleared your lungs while the water claimed your tears. You probably stayed in there for at least two hours.


As soon as you got out, you grasped your phone and dialled for Feliciano. "This user has blocked your number." "W-Wha..?" The phone slipped through your fingers and fell softly onto the patterned red carpet below. You felt like tears were about to escape but you slapped yourself in the face. "No! I'm done with him. Besides, he's the one who broke up with me by text message!" Taking a deep breath in, you walked through the glass doors and onto the balcony overlooking the entrance to the dorms, the side of the school and a walk through of flowers you hadn't seen yet. The chilled air stung your bare feet and brushed against your face. Even though it was just about Autumn, it was still freezing at night but not so much to make it unbearable. The dog was completely clear and you stared at the bright moon and stars longingly for a while. "You alright up there, ma chére?" You looked down towards the voice to see another make student with wavy blond hair and dull (but probably from the lighting) blue eyes. Honestly, he was quite attractive. You heard some of the other girls earlier talking about him being a "lady's man". "I'm fine." you replied with a monotone expression. "You don't look alright, mon amour. I'm Francis, and you?" "I really am fine. I'm just... Going through some things." You hesitated. "I'm ___".

"I'd love to talk to you more sometime, ___". The way your name rolled of his tongue gave you slight shivers. "I must be off now. Sweet dreams, ma chére!" He waved with a kiss. You weren't really into that kind of... Affection. Your brain suddenly turned to sleep, and so you tucked yourself into bed and drifted into a deep sleep.


"I don't know why I even tried." Your conscious became aware of your situation. Inside a hazy cloud of smoke stood you and Feliciano opposite each other. "I never even loved you, idiota." He kept spitting words that stabbed your heart. The mind can play tricks on those in this wonder state. But it felt so real... He walked up to you and smashed you into the ground. You fell with a thud and he pressed his booted foot onto your chest, making it hard for you to breathe. "Perhaps you'll find someone who loves you in Hell..." He muttered sweet nonsense and begun squashing your chest in and digging into your throat with his other hand. "Goodbye."

You woke up in a thud within a deep sweat nearly unable to catch your breath. You took a few minutes to try to control your breathing and eventually you recovered. It just felt so real and the pain hurt so much. Your heart felt like it would burst and any moment. The wind blew subtly outside. The sun was slightly covered by the clouds. "I'll do everything to make this right. I have to move on." Picking up your phone, you looked once more at Feli's contact number.

"NAME: Feliciano Vargas

You pressed the button and Feliciano's number had disappeared. Forever. It was for the best, you told yourself over and over again. You decided to put all your focus towards this school. Nothing more and nothing less. A letter was suddenly slipped under your door. Inside said letter was your time table stating what subjects you had each day and where they were. According to this, today is Wednesday and first period is... Dance. "Crap." As a Creative Arts school, the main subjects included art, drama, dance and music, including the sciences and maths, unfortunately. Now, your stomach growled loudly like a bear trying to get a fish but failing hysterically. You went the breakfast hall and later went to class.


The dance studio was gigantic. The walls were completely mirrored for the most part, there was plenty of lighting thanks to the high ceiling being illuminated by the crystal chandelier. It was best described as a ball room. "Class! Everyone pair up! We're going to be learning a duet dance to Swan Lake!" Ah, Swan Lake; a classic, if I do say so. You looked around hopelessly, desperate that someone would pick you. You didn't recognise anyone except Francis and Rodrich who looked like they were paired up. Francis was paired with another male with dirty blond hair and emerald eyes. "They must be the pretend gay couple every school has, huh?" you thought. "May I have this dance?" You snapped out of your daze to see Rodrich in front of you, holding out his gloved hand. You gradually took his hand but saw a jealous looking girl in the corner, making you feel self-conscious. "Hold your partner like you're going to do the waltz. No, Francis, not like that! Gosh, you two can't stop touching each other, can you?" Surpringly, Rodrich had a kind of bad sense of direction and sometimes stumbled or stood on your foot. You eventually got used to it but it was still awkward being so close to hom, even after everything had happened.

-Oh, right... Feli...

"Make sure you come find me later." he whispered into your ear and breaking away from you but giving you a chance to regain your balance. Everyone else had already gone.


Author's Notes: WHA! I LIED. I WAS BORED SO I WROTE A TON. I can say that this will definitely be over three parts long, so yay, I suppose.

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