<A Small Cross> Norway

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Country human names:

Lukas = Norway

Emil = Iceland

Your hand rattled around in the hand as you passed round several different objects; all with a different texture from the next. You felt quite hesitant with your decision before you finally took a large gulp and pulled out a small object. It seemed to be a tiny cross of some sort. It felt quite sharp in your hand before you held it up to the light and suddenly before you appeared Lukas. You could hear him sigh under his breath as he held out his hand for you to take. You reluctantly took his which felt extremely warm. Not warm as in hot burning warm... But... Nice warm... 

You watched as Francis opened up the entrance to your walk-in wardrobe as you saw him show you the timer on his phone. You gave a nervous gulp as Francis closed the door but you could have sworn you saw an incredibly jealous Emil in the corner of your eye. [A/E Love it, Amy.] As soon as it was clear, Lukas shook his hand free of your grip and took silently in the corner without bothering to state a word. You knew he was a man of few words but this was simply astonishing. You gazed fondly at his faceless expression but you almost knew he felt... Lonely in a way.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked suddenly which made you jump back a little. You were amazed by how cute his accent was! It almost made your heart flutter! You felt a hot surge run up to your face and you knew from then you were blushing. "You've gone red. Are you sick?" he spoke softy while placing one of his hands on top of your forehead to take your temperature. "N-no! I'm fine! Really!" you panicked a little before backing away.  "But if she's not ill then..." you heard Lukas mutter under his breath. "Is it that perhaps... You love me?" he asked with a slight pause. Well, it was true you've had a massive crush on him for a while but what if you said yes and he immediately didn't return those feelings!? 

You stood there in silence before you felt sudden pressure as you were slammed into the wall with him concealing your lips with his. Your [e/c] widened in this massive shock to your system. After that passionate kiss, he backed away leaving you speechless but still keeping his face close to yours. His light blonde hair surrounding your face making your blush worsen with every beating moment. Without a care of thought, you harshly grabbed his blue collar and brought your lips to his this time. This time, it felt just right... With your movements matching his perfectly in rhythem. "I-I do..." you whispered into his ear of which he replied "I love you back." into yours. 

With a sudden swing, your slight was temporarly blinded as Francis lunged open the door revealing the two of you. You both felt incredibly embarrassed as the Frenchman burst into a hysterical laughter. You didn't exactly mind it, though. You both walked out out the same hand-in-hand as you went in. After all the other female countries had finished their rounds, you sat with the Noridcs while never leaving Lukas' side for one moment. During the entire time, you could see Emil was clearly jealous of the intimiate time you both had together. On occasion, Lukas would plant tiny kisses on your cheek on surprise.

You knew then this would be a night to remember.

Author's Note: Ahhhh, so bad and sloppy!!! Uck. Please don't throw muffins at me because it's so bad!!! I'm sorry XD I promise I'll get better! As for the times... I'll try doing daily but zero promises! I will accept requests, though!  So, thanks for reading and look forward to the next one! 

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