<A Chick> Prussia

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One thousand and a hundred views... Oh my freaking God... I'm just kind of speechless >.< Thanks for enjoying my stories :3 P.S New banner and picture HYPE! 

Country Names:

Gilbert = Prussia

Ludwig = Germany

You pulled on your best encouraging face to convince the others that you were perfectly fine. Truthfully, you were far from that but they shouldn't know that or they might think of you as a scardy-cat. You gave a slight scowl as you realized a dark spot on your carpet of where someone had spilt their drink... You'll have to clean that off later and getting liquid off carpet was a pain like none other. With quite the cluster of hesitation, you trailed around the outer brim of the hat Alfred was holding before circling around the centre for a search of interest. Nothing in there screamed "Pick me!" to you but you stopped in your tracks as something incredibly soft and smooth pushed against your hand. Maybe you were becoming delirious or something from the nerves but you could have sworn you heard a tweet or a chirp of some sort... After pondering about it for a few seconds, you decided to give in to your overpowering temptation and place your thumb and index finger and around the strange being.

For some abnormal reason, you could have sworn it was moving as you twirled your hand around the other trinkets. To your utmost shock, you had not only pulled a moving object but a living chick! It couldn't have been more than a few months, maybe a year at most, old. You let the poor thing rest on the left palm as you pet it soothingly on its head with your finger to keep it content. From the looks of it, it looked like it was in a lot of fear as it seemed to be looking for something or someone. The chick suddenly tweeted in joy as it stared deeply at Gilbert who was drinking beer with his brother, Ludwig. Wait, you don't actually remember putting beer out... Then you remembered that massive barrel they brought in when they came. Though you somewhat apposed it, you really didn't want to have an awkward situation. 

You watched silently in awe as when you laid your hands out near Gilbert as the chick climbed up onto his head and started affectionately pecking at his platinum blonde hair. "It's so cute!" you squealed before trampling over to your walk-in wardrobe. "You'll never be as awesome as I am, West!" he taunted his little brother as you both became concealed in a tight space. Surely, this was not the appropriate conditions for a tiny chick, right? You traced over one of your drawers as you found a keep-safe cloth decorated with snowflakes and stars. "You should at least wrap it up in here. By the way, what its name?" you asked as Gilbert slowly placed the tiny chick as you wrapped it up all snug. "He's called Gilbird to match my awesomeness but he's no where close to it." He sure has a lot of confidence with how "awesome" he is... It was still quite cute of how childish he is about it.

"You certainly seem to think you're the most awesome. Though, how awesome are you really?" you teased as his beaming red eyes became full of competition. "[Y/n], is that a challenge?" You nodded hastily and gave a slight wink as to tease him further. You started giving a slight snicker at how immature and protective he was becoming which soon turned into a hysterical laughter. With tears coming to your eyes you burst out "W-well!? Prove it to me then!" At first, he made no motion but out of a sudden, like a blur, somehow the two of you were now kissing... From what it seemed, neither of you wanted to pull away at first but in the end, you did as Gilbird pecked at your thumb causing to projectile backwards in pain. "What you get for challenging my awesomeness." he tormented with an evil smile spread across his face. With those piercing ruby eyes to back it up, he looked like he could even kill...

Slapping your hips as a sign of defeat, you carefully handed Gilbird back to Gilbert before admitting your defeat. "Okay, I admit it, you are pretty awesome." To him, it must have not been enough due to him motioning for you to continue speaking. "Really awesome." Still motioning... "Really super awesome." He's still motioning... "More awesome than me." Then, he softly patted you on the head before giving you a small kiss on the cheek. If your face wasn't already burning up from embarrassment already, it definitely was now. Thankfully, you were able to escape his clutches as you saw Francis open the door with his signature perverted face on. Not that it was your plan in the first place anyways... Out of everyone, Ludwig seemed most intrigued over what happened and you could have sworn he asked Gilbert for relationship advice... Could it be for...? No... It couldn't be...


Le Time Skip


Every now and then, Gilbert would randomly find you during the week and challenge you to an "Awesomeness Duel". It sounded pathetic at first but the activities that came with it were really thrilling. It ranged from watching horror movies to eating a pie with your hands tied behind your back. Today, Gilbert challenged to take you to a haunted mansion at a theme park and whoever got scared first would lose and the other would be crowned the "Most awesome". As hard as you tried, you never won a single activity. "Ready to bow down to my awesomeness yet?" he dramatized as he paid for your tickets. "Never." you responded as you both were shut inside the course with no option to go forward. 

It was quite tame at first but as you got further into the course, it became more petrifying but no matter what, you had to keep the scream deep inside of you. Your arm hair became on edge as you could have sworn you saw something sneaking within the shadows. Without warning, a gigantic animatronic spider fell from the ceiling to right in front of you. You tried your best to withhold the urge to scream but you accidentally let it out. As a sum of these chain reactions, you clung yourself to Gilbert as hard as you could. "O-okay! I admit it! You're awesome! You win! I submit!" you screamed at the top of your lungs with tears trickling down your cheeks. "How awesome am I again?" he teased as he rubbed his hands through your [h/c] hair. "Y-you're the m-most awesome..." you whimpered to your surprise as Gilbert lifted you off your feet and carried you to the end of the course. 

By then, it was already sunset and the theme park was slowly become less filled. The queue that was for all the rides had disappeared like it was all a mirage. For a few minutes, the two of you stood near an depopulated section of the park, just embracing each other to try to get your shivering to let loose. When your shivers had finally released themselves, there was nothing left to do but go on the park's main attraction; the Ferris wheel. You both got attached into one of the seats which felt kind of lumpy and you slowly made your way around. When you got to the top, some of the glamorous stars had already decided to show their glimmer as Gilbert pecked a tiny kiss onto your cheek just like he did all that time ago. With a blush coming over your face, you leaned over to him and the two of you shared a romantic kiss under the new night sky. "Tell me how awesome I am again." he beckoned to you. "The most awesome in the entire universe..." you muttered seductively back. Once again, you shared that same kiss but this time... It felt right.

Author's Note: I'M OVER MY COLD!!!! WHOOO!!!! Five days of not being able to sing, kill me ; -; I hope you guys enjoyed this one and once again, thanks for one thousand views! When I started this, I honestly thought it would have gotten... Probably twelve... >.< I promise I'll get back to my schedule now! So, no fear!

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