<A Maple Leaf> Canada

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As of writing this, this fan-fiction of mine as recently hit two hundred views!!! *Party popper bang* Just want to say I really appreciate it and on with the story!

You gave a slight shudder while under the event of everyone looking at you inevitably. That complete emotion of uneasiness crept up along your body making you feel a bit nauseous. There was so many people you could think of that you wouldn't mind being in there with but some even more of which you'd definitely not want to be in there with! Your hand suddenly became sensitive to a somewhat bristly and crumbly object. It felt quite thin and seemed to break around when you rubbed it between your fingers. You had a pretty good idea of what it was but just to make sure, you pulled it out and let it rest on your palm.

Like you had predicted, it was a beautiful maple leaf which was beautifully given elegant shades of red and orange by Mother Nature. You felt at ease when you stare at its wonderful textures. Just like you were lost in a forest when the wind blows and you can see the leaves show you which direction is the way out. It was wonderful... "Hey, ___! ___! Stop dosing off!" You suddenly snapped back into reality as Alfred snapped his fingers in your face. "Alright, alright, I'm alive!" you say with a slight trace of laughter. "Matthew, come on." you state holding out your hand in front of him. The other countries looked around trying to find out who you were talking to but none of them really seemed to notice Matthew at all. He's really been a blunt spirit, you guess.

You watch Francis as he shows you the seven minutes ready to go as you watch Matthew place down his bear on the floor. "Be good, um..." you watch him say as he knelt down next to the fluffy creature. "Who are you?" the bear replied as it tilted its head in confusion. "I'm Cana-" he muttered as Francis shoved Matthew inside with his foot. Without hesitation, you fell to your knees and held up Matthew's head on your lap. "Are you okay, Matthew!? That damn Frenchman!" you hissed as you started to stroke your hand through his soft light blonde hair. "Y-yeah... I'm fine, thank you..." he hushed in a low voice as he got up to his knees in front of you.

You almost found yourself lost in the vortex of his beautiful sapphire eyes before shaking your head a little as you came back to your senses but as a result of this, you ended up with a slight blush come across your face. "__, can I ask you something...?" he pondered with a slight whimper which you absolutely loved. You nodded your head with an unsure feeling of what to expect. "M-may I kiss you?" You felt like the entire world froze for a moment and your heart just skipped a beat. This was the moment you'd always been waiting for. You literally just wanted to scream with how excited you were! Without warning, you placed your hands around his neck, lunged forward while your lips collided with his.

"Well, well! Who knew Matthew had game!?" you heard you both separated from each other. You looked up to where you heard the noise to see Alfred standing there giving you his signature double thumbs-up. You watched curiously as you saw Matthew's fuzzy white bear come walking up towards him before sitting down on his hands. You watched silently as you felt warmth in your heart as he stroked the top of the bear's head.


Le Time Skip


Things had been going smoothly for a while. You and Matthew started dating a while back after the party and a few months passed before you moved in with each other. The other countries had become more aware of his presence but it was still hysterical to watch his brother, Alfred, sit on him without knowing, like always. The both of you sat together in front of a warm fire when Matthew's bear suddenly asked "Who are you?" in his quiet little voice which was directed at you this time instead of Matthew. You looked at the bear, intrigued, as Matthew suddenly stated "She's the future Mrs. Canada." with a gigantic smile bearing across his face.

Author's Note: Let me just say one thing right here. The power of coke is AMAZING. NOT THE DRUG. I mean the drink. I've decided from now to add these "Le Time Skip" to the end of the characters as the kind of "Happy Ending" I suppose. So yeah... Once again, thank you VERY MUCH for two hundred views. It may not seem like a lot but it is to me! Thankies for reading and look forward to the next chapter!

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