<An Old Book> Lithuania

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FIVE HUNDRED VIEWS!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Flips table* I NEVER THOUGHT WE'D GET NEARLY AS MUCH!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE ; -; But seriously, please, please, please leave suggestions for countries you want so I know what the community wants as well as what I'd like to do as well!

Country Names:

Toris = Lithuania

Eduard = Estonia 

Raivis = Latvia

This is one of these moments, isn't it? You'd read in a book a while ago that there are multiple dimensions and what you chose to do in one, you do the opposite in another. Well, something on the lines of that... You'd suppose that maybe in this dimension, you could get Arthur and in another you got Yao? That'd be kind of funny. Just one day you'd look in the mirror with the person you'd be getting out of here but in the reflection would be someone completely different. You gave a slight giggle as you felt something quite hard smash against your hand. It hurt quite the bit but you didn't complain. Though, now, you were ever-more curious... You pushed your [h/c] hair out of your seemingly innocent [e/c] eyes before seeing that laying in your arms before you. It was covered in dust but was also extremely heavy. 

You slightly brushed your hand over the book as an attempt to remove the thick layer of dust overlapping the book but overall, it just lead you to have a really dusty hand. You had to squint your eyes quite profusely to be able to make out some sort of wording but it was written in a language you'd never seen before. "Who does this belong to?" you asked with a discreet tone as you lifted the book to your chest and showing it around. "That's mine." You turned around almost immediately as you head the voice of the cute Lithuanian standing there. "I had a feelings this was yours, Lithi!" you cheered in glee as you teased. Toris has been one of your best friends for a long time and you couldn't have been anymore excited to get him! After all, he was kind of your secret crush, though, you always hid it by being playful and giving him weird nicknames like "Lithi". You'd always been friendly with the other Baltic States but honestly, only Toris was the only one who actually could appeal to you as perhaps your future lover?

His brown hair waved softly behind him as you both walked towards your walk-in wardrobe whilst chatting around about things that had been happening recently. You took in a deep breath of fresh air before beind trapped inside a small and confined space with Toris that kind of made you feel extremely happy but nervous at the same time. After a short awkward silence of the two of you just barely avoiding all kind of contact, you tried to break the ice. "Lithi, what's that book about anyways? Isn't it Lithuanian or something like that?" you asked with your finger pointing at the book in his arms. "This? Just a random book I was reading at home. Nothing truly special. Want to take a look?" He carefully handed over the book to you again and you opened the page to be greeted with text you just couldn't make out for your life. "H-how do you say this, Lithi?" you pointed out. "Tai yra parašyta lietuviškai vertėjas. Prašome jokios neapykantos naudojant tai." he replied after quickly scanning the page. "By the way, if you keep calling me "Lithi", I'll have to punish you." You looked up shyly with one eyebrow raised. "And this bit? Lithi?" you teased before he gave a hefty sigh and read the passage out loud to you. "Jei naudojate vertėjas tai skaityti, esate esmė." he read aloud, showing some signs of agitation from you repetitively calling him that nickname.

"L-I-T-H-I" you joked slowly before you were halted in your tracks as a pair of lips was brought to yours. Okay, when he said he'd "Punish" you, you didn't think he meant this!? "L-Lithi...? Why...?" you muttered bring your hands to your chest with both your faces burning up with a strong blush. "Prakeiktas! I told you to stop calling me "Lithi"! Now you know." he yelled in your face giving you a slight shock of terror. "L-Lithi! Calm down!" You waved your hands in front of your face as protection from him. "I-I like you to!" you screamed back at him, trying to overpower him. The both of you just stood there awkwardly before you slightly tugged on the collar of his shirt bringing the two of you together for another long and sweet kiss together. This, however, was soon interrupted by you discovering Raivis and Eduard peeking through a small gap between the door.


Le Time Skip


While the Baltic States were constantly under Ivan's abusive role, you decided to offer your services to Ivan as a housemaid in return for at least letting you stay at his house. When the two of you weren't slaving away to Ivan's every demand, Toris would help you study ancient literature texts with you as well as teaching you how to speak Lithuanian. It was kind of tricky, you have to admit but it was worth being about to be more attached to Toris. Months and months went past in an instant while you were with Toris. You'd easily become flustered if he'd tried to kiss you infront of the other Baltics which left an awkward taste in your month. Though, you could have sworn that Ivan was becoming less harsh on the both of you until one day, you were both granted your freedom to live together.

You were overjoyed to be released from the clusters of Ivan and soon to come would be the other Baltics who followed shortly after. They all returned to their homes with you and Lithi moving in together. Life was so much more peaceful and honestly, you couldn't have been nearly more grateful. You knew in your heart he was relieved and truly touched by your perseverance of staying with him till the end of time. Was it worth going through Ivan for the two of you to be finally together? Of course it was. It was beyond worth it.

Author's Note: SOOOOO SORRY IT WAS LATE!!! My friend kept being spammed on his Enjin wall and stuff and I had to spam this picture of Canada and riot... It was fun, though!  Yes, I know this one isn't that good, I just wasn't FEEEEEEELING it this time but I promise the next one will be better! PLEASE NU MUFFINS

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