<Parting Ways> Italy

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I've been planning this for ages, you have no idea, oh my God.

"Feli, I'm sorry... I have to go..." He kept giving you those puppy-dog eyes every time you tried to leave. You were waiting in the train station for your train to take you across the country, away from your friends and family for many months. "Ve~...." he chirped with his arms by his side and looking at you with the saddest expression you had ever seen. You had been accepted into a prestigious art college as a transfer student and you were now just one step away from leaving your previous life behind. "I promise I'll be back before you can say "Pasta"!" He nodded his head solemnly as the train parked its way in the station. "Ti amo, Bella..." You gave Feliciano a small peck on the cheek before boarding the train and sitting next to the window. "I'll see you soon, Feli! I love you!" you cried out the window as the train began moving, waving your hands frantically. Of course, it didn't take long for you to begin shedding a few tears.


Once you arrived at the school, you were astonished by the absolute size and beauty of the school. You wandered around the school grounds for a while, obviously lost. Thank God your classes didn't start till tomorrow. "Damn, the sun is already beginning to set and this map is useless!" You continued walking around for a little while longer before sitting another person with kind of brownish hair and dressed in regal clothes. "H-Hi! I was wondering if you could tell me where my dorm is...?" you mumbled a little. "Jou should learn to speak up, girl!" He sighed. "But, alright. Follow me." Geez, someone loves themselves...

"Okay, here ve are." He stretched out his arm in the direction of the girls' dorm. It was a semi-large building with a kind of Victorian-style and decorated with quite a few flowers outside. "Thank you, uh..." "Rodrich." "Rodrich!" You gave a bright smile and gazed at the now nearly full moon above and headed inside.


Once walking inside, you were greeted with a strong incense of lavender in a room filled with bright shining lanterns. The floor had a beautiful mosaic, but you couldn't exactly work out the picture perfectly as some of the tiles were either damaged or removed altogether. "Are you Miss ___?" A slightly large woman asked you. "Yes." you replied simply. "Your room is on the third floor. Room 303. As a transfer student, we don't allow you to have a roommate as your stay is not permanent." You nodded and saw the bane of your existence. "Stairs..." you grieved.

"One message received from: FELICIANO VARGAS" Your phone bleeped, scaring the hell out of you. "Suppose I forgot to put it on silent... Uh, where are my keys?" You funded inside your bag desperately before realising they were already in the door before-hand. You slowly opened the door just incase your neighbour was sleeping already. "Wow..." You couldn't believe your eyes when you gazed into the large (f/c) coloured room. Inside was a bed, wardrobe, desk, drawers and quite a few more things. "I suppose this is the room they give to transfers as a good impression?" you wondered, unpacking your clothes and other bags. About ten minutes later, you hopped in the shower and came back to see you had received five new messages from Feli.

"MESSAGE ONE: Chao, Bella! I hope you're setting in alright! Miss you already, ve~! <3"
"MESSAGE TWO: Lovino and the others wish you luck, too! Ti amo <3"
"MESSAGE THREE: You okay, Bella? You're not replying, ve~"
"MESSAGE FOUR: Silly me, you're probably unpacking!"
"MESSAGE FIVE: Text me when you're settled! <3"

Of course, you replied straight away, noting you're sorry for taking so long and that you miss him loads. You slouched down and ruffled yourself into the warm and cozy black and white sheets. They felt so homely. "How the hell I'll be able to move tomorrow, I'll never know..." Turning over to your left, your room had a small balcony with beautiful glass doors, allowing plenty of moonlight into the room, warming your heart. It didn't take long for you to slowly begin to fall asleep. After all, it seemed perfect...


"Miss ___?" A woman's voice could be heard outside, different from the house mother. "Eeeh...?" You called out, sitting up and removing a stand of hair caught in your mouth. "I'm just here to let you know to get ready and breakfast is ready downstairs when you're ready. You also need to go to the main hall and get registered!" "Got it!" you responded quickly. With a huff you jumped out of bed and went to brush your teeth. After all, who wants dog breath on their first day? Excluding a dog. A few minutes later, you got dressed into a neat (f/c) t-shirt with matching skirt and you suddenly remembered your phone. With a hint of excitement, you checked... To see nothing. "H-he's probably just busy, right? Ludwig makes me train a lot in the morning, though he never does any of it seriously..." you tried to reassure yourself.


The breakfast hall was kind of nosy especially since everyone was crowding around you, trying to see you and your bright (e/c) eyes. It wasn't easy getting a free moment, but you met a girl on the floor below you who had the name "Lucy". She was carefree, beautiful and had an absolute love for painting. She told you several of her paintings had been sold or hung up in displays around the school. "By the way... You got anyone special at home?" she asked with a bump of your arm which nearly made you spill you drink. "Y-Yeah, so?" You tried not to make it sound like it wasn't anything massive just in case because you know new schools? Besides, you needed someone to help you for the next year. She immediately perked up and began asking you all kinds of questions, some you felt uncomfortable with asking... Are you a virgin??? "Could you show me where the main hall is? I don't really know and this school is massive." She nodded and grabbed your arm out of the room.

"Here you are! Good luck!" You were dazzled by the gleam of the stained glass window on the ceiling and some of the amazing and astonishing paintings painted by other students in this school. You hadn't even heard Lucy leave. "Ah! Are you Miss ___?" A tall and slightly handsome man asked you, leading you into a small office to the right of the room. You nodded and followed silently. He proudly offered you a seat and sat down. "My name is Mr. Ishimaru but you can just call me Kizami." You took notice of his now noticeable Japanese accent. "Right, today is your first day here at this school. I know you're nervous but you'll do fine. We selected you for this chance as be noticed your morale and ability to never back down, even when it looks hopeless. Plus, some of your paintings are... Well, interesting." You nodded, knowing what he was on about... Fifteen year old you was a bit of a rebel back then.

After the quick meeting and signing your forms, he lead you around the school and showed you different and important areas of the school. It definitely was a gigantic school and even the sun seemed on the side of its beauty. You felt a little winded from after all that walking, but at least it was lunch, so you headed near a small tree-surrounded area. The late-summer breeze brushed neatly and elegantly through your silk-like hair as you dug your teeth into your (food of choice). All of a sudden, your phone vibrated. With an eager smile, you saw Feliciano had finally replied.

Just not with the reply you were expecting.

Author's Notes: Hey, guys! I hope you enjoyed this kind of long thing. I'm assuming this will roughly be two to four parts as I have a massive plan set up for this. Thanks for reading and I'll get to more of it later on.

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