<My Sister; The Athelte>

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This story is unfinished and will NEVER be finished.

"Look at those amazing skills! Just what we'd expect from (country)'s representative, (sister name)!" You were cautiously watching your big sister perform the biggest show of her life. (S/N) had been scouted to represent (country) in this year's Olympic in the Uneven Bars, which was your favourite event. It had always been your dream to compete in the Olympics.. But... You looked softly down at your amputated mess of a leg.


"Come on, ___! This way, come on!" my sister screamed at the top of her lungs as she encouraged me to jump down from the ramp. My heart was racing so fast, it must burst...! The rain drops dabbed on my bare skin like they were taunting my cowardliness. "Big Sis, catch me!!" I bellowed as she caught me barely in her arms! "Geez, don't do that again and so sudden!" She playfully hit me on the head as we walked back to the main streets of down to get back home. (S/N) got her phone out and began texting her boyfriend and walked directly in the road. Too bad she didn't see the car roaring down the road, blinded by the depths of rain. "Big Sis!! Watch out!!" I dived without hesitation and shoved her out the way, watching as she nimbly scattered before the car collided into me. Pain less bearable than I can possibly imagine rushed through my body until the shock made me pass out. All I remember from after that was the sounds of sirens and people commanding and gossiping.


Your mum suddenly ruffled your hair, ending your trance in time to see your sister's results. After what happened, she swore she would live and bring your dream for you. She always had hopes of being a vet or a nurse but she gave it all up for you. "An outstanding 26.5!" announced the speaker, causing cheers all around the stadium. But...  Was it really enough? There was still four other contestants and one of them was from Russia... Apparently Russian gymnasts are really good at uneven bars

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