<A Batch Of Seeds> Russia

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This is text written by me~ 

Country names:

Ivan = Russia

At this point of time, you really couldn't care about who you got. Well, that was an overstatement. You really did worry about who you got. It could vary to any of the male countries... Each with their own looks and personality. You hovered your hand in the hat for quite a while as you constantly thought about who you could possibly earn from this. You laughed in your head as you thought how Natalya would react if you got Ivan.. You spread open your palm as far as you could as you used a kind of crane system to attach your hand like a claw over an object at random. Lifting it up, you could see it was a tiny brown pouch. It felt silky and kind of lumpy but then you realized there was something inside. You dashed the contents of the pouch onto your other hand to have revealed it to be multiple seeds which you thought to be of sunflowers.

You watched as the bulky Ivan rose up from his seat and clamber over to you. His aura made him seem incredibly intimidating and by his physique, including how tall he was! In the corner of your eye, you could see Natalya's practically burning with rage and jealousy. Quite ironic, if you do dare say so. You both awkwardly stuttered towards your walk-in wardrobe while continuously trying avoid all contact with Natalya. She seems innocent enough but a soon as anything with Ivan comes involved, she becomes a monster. Kind of like a hawk who won't let go of its pray at all costs. 

You applied a quick stare at Francis as he showed you the timer all set to go before hastily closing the door behind you. You could see behind you that as the air hit Ivan when the door closed, he flinched slightly. "You... Hate the cold, don't you?" You watched as Ivan just stood there with a semi-blank expression bearing over his face. His amethyst eyes sending nothing but pulses of sadness over to you. "How are you not scared of me? Surely you're just like the others, da?" he asked which sent a spear towards your heart. You shook your head while trying to avoid letting that somewhat insult get to you. As a way of proving it, you suddenly decided to fling your arms around him as you gave him a gigantic hug. He felt so warm... It felt almost heavenly... "I've never really been scared of you. At times, I may have been intimidated by you but never really scared." you admitted as you stared him right in the eyes as evidence. 

It was fun just standing there. Ivan felt like a gigantic hot water bottle by how he dressed. It was adorable to say the least! But how does he not boil during the warmer seasons? Who knows? It felt extremely comfortable just standing there together with him as you shared each other's body heat in harmony. You closed your eyes for just a moment so you could save this precious feeling since you thought Ivan probably has feelings for Ukraine but that was shortly interrupted by a light pressure on your lips. You cautiously opened your eyes but then slowly closed them again as you saw that Ivan was indeed kissing you... 

"Ahh! I can't take it anymore!" you heard scream from the main room as Natalya burst through the doorway. Her eyes wild with anger which soon turned into an internal fury as she saw the both of you kissing. Lost for words, you just stared at her like she was out of her mind. "You're coming with me..." she harshly hissed before dragging you away. Your cries for help seemed to do nothing as everyone else just laughed. Okay, you laughed a little bit as well but it was a nervous and awkward laugh to be blunt. 


Le Time Skip


After a lot of fighting with Natalya and her dragging you away to God knows where, she finally knew where she had lost and finally stepped down. The other countries were still petrified of Ivan but all you could see of him was how adorable he is! As a special treat, Ivan took you to a special place of his. A field surrounded by sunflowers. The sun was blaring down on the both of you. A lot of wandering and talking later, Ivan suddenly got down on one knee and proposed to you. Naturally, you accepted and you swear, you just had the best kiss and day of your life.  Could it really get any better than this?

Author's Edit: WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT RUSSIA DONE!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, I'm done. From now on I swear, I need to take a glass of coke in with me as I'm writing these. REALLY WORKS to get that mind pumping. Ehhh, sorry this was kind of short. *Gives out muffins* Feel free to throw them at me. I've been naughty ; -;

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