<A Bag Of Sweets> China

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How this chapter came to be- Watching Youtube-> Hetalia video -> "Italy hits puberty"-> Remembers fan-fiction-> "Oh, right... China." Yup. I'M SUWWY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN AGEEEEESSS! I've been training on Osu!Mania a lot and I just kind of forgot... Eheheh... Also, while you're at it, please listen to this song while you're reading. It really means a lot and it's quite inspirational- Just search on Youtube "A River Flows In You"*

Country Names:

Antonio = Spain

In the centre of the room, just you and Alfred stood there with glaring eyes pinning down on you. Some nervous, some that couldn't care and a couple hopeful. You closed your [e/c] eyes for a few seconds as you mouthed out in your head a debate between yourself of what you thought each country could have put in... Maybe Antonio would have been a tomato or perhaps Mathias who might have put in one of those weird dolls the Nordics tried selling to make an in-come a while ago. You gave a slight snicker as you remembered what Lukas had told Mathias when he was trying to sell them. You had bought one of them but it is probably far hidden in a drawer or something upstairs than out in the open. "Well, enough of that, just pick something; anything." you told yourself calmly as you randomly flicked your index finger which bounced back on something flimsy.

It almost sounded like a bag, perhaps a paper one. You lifted it up a bit in your hand to test the weight but it didn't feel extremely heavy or light. Well, as they say, "Curiosity killed the cat." so would it "Curiosity killed the ___." in this instance? No harm in finding out. You carefully pulled it out to find your suspicions to be spot on. You carefully placed your hand underneath the small paper bag as you peeked inside to see wrapped up pieces of sweets which resembled the kind that Yao tries to give out whenever two countries, like Arthur or Francis, got into an argument. On rare occasions, when Yao wasn't looking, you'd try to steal some from his pocket but usually you'd get caught and he'd punish you by giving you a long lecture. Though, you had a perfect plan to get out of it; by pouting. He'd feel sorry for you and give you a cuddly toy of an animal or some sort. 

You plopped one of the small pink candies into your mouth which fluttered around, giving you quite a sweet taste inside on your tongue, proving that you really did have a sweet tooth. "Come on, __! Let's go, aru~!" You heard a cheerful voice come from behind you as Yao sprung to life in front of you as he grasped your wrist and forcefully dragged you to the walk-in wardrobe where Francis was still getting ready with the timer. However, on the impact that Yao had grasped your wrist, this had caused you to un-intentionally drop the bag of sweets all over the floor with the bag just being left stranded. Hopefully Kiku will be willing to help clean up... No, you beg Kiku will be willing to help clean up. After a few seconds delay, the both of you were concealed inside this cramped place where you kept your clothes and other accessories. You became slightly nervous as in some American T.V shoes, when the guy visits the girl's house, they discover something in the girl's wardrobe that breaks them apart forever. Damn it, Alfred! Why must your programs be so confusing!?

As Yao was wandering around, inspecting your interior, you managed to spot some loose sweets poking out of his Chinese military uniform. You nonchalantly tip-toed over to Yao as you stealthily placed your hand inside his pocket to try to clench at least one of the sweets. Without being even giving a moment to flinch, before your very eyes, Yao intimidatingly flung you over his shoulder and slammed you down onto the carpet below. "Owww! Yao, the hell was that before!?" you protested whilst rubbing your back. "Ahh, aru~! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me~aru!" Like a child, he pleaded for forgiveness; it almost made him seem desirable. "Wait, close your eyes for just a moment, __, aru~!" he instructed, as which you followed without question.  You felt something soft and fluffy being placed on your open hands. It felt extremely pleasant to feel and gave off a happy and exciting atmosphere. 

"You can open your eyes now, aru~." On command, you gave a slight hesitation as you saw an adorable chibi version of Yao in your arms. Along with it, was another small bag of sweets to go with it. You were slightly gobsmacked but what more intrigued you was where the heck he got these from... "A secret known to all" they say.  "Yao... Thanks so much." you gleamed as you bounced up and gave him a gigantic hug. It didn't last for longer than a few seconds, but as you parted, you froze for a second as you met his magnificent brown eyes... You shook your head to get yourself out of that trance-like situation that you just shared. With a blush creeping up your expression, you hastily hid the chibi and bag of sweets in a nearby drawer next to you as an excuse to be do anything to not be embarrassed. 


Le Time Skip


A few years had passed and lately, you've been having a lot of financial issues and suddenly, you've now found yourself cleaning out the house you once called "Home". Ludwig, Kiku, Alfred, Francis and Yao all came to help you clear out your things. At the current moment of time, you had no idea where you were going to rest your head but all you could think about was cleaning the place out and trying to organize everything into things you could sell and others you'd have to throw away. "Vhere do you vant this, __?" Ludwig asked with one of your tables in his hands. "Just over there with the chairs, please." you instructed with a point of your finger. You dug your foot into the bare floorboards as tears came flowing to your eyes. 

Excusing yourself from the rest of the group, you trailed into the room that once held all your closest possessions. Most of it was all cleared out; except one drawer left still inside. "Might as well clear it out now..." you muttered to yourself, trying as hard as possible not to burst into tears. Carefully as you could, you withdrew the drawer and placed it lightly on the flooring. After seeing the contents inside, all you really could do was cry. Cry at the remembrance of that one time... You picked up the now ruined chibi version of Yao and held it as close to you as you could whilst you bundled up into a tiny ball and sobbed. "There you are, ___! Wait, what's wrong, aru~?" You silently looked up to see Yao patting you on the head with a solemn expression. "Everything, God damn it!" you screamed at the top of your lungs. "I have nothing! No furniture, no money, no place to live! It's like my whole world is-" Your track was cut off by Yao suddenly taking a turn to kiss you. Without even a think of it, you started kissing passionately back too. When the two of you parted from what seemed like an eternal kiss, Yao leant over and whispered into your ear "You can stay with me, aru~." 

With nothing left to say, all you could muster was the power to nod your head in agreement. This time, you shared another romantic and slightly over done kiss together, but this time with zero surprises. "___, close your eyes again, aru~." Like you had done those few years ago, he placed another chibi in your hand. Though, this time, it wasn't just one. It was two; one of you and one of Yao. "Thank you... So much for everything..." you whimpered as Yao wiped the tears away from your eyes.  "Ohonhon, [A/E TOTALLY FRANCIS' LAUGH 100%] what's going on in here then?" Francis playfully cheered, peering from behind the wall. "Go nuts." you gleamed as you handed Yao a frying pan. After that, you and the others were left laughing your heads off as Yao kept hitting Francis round the head with a frying pan, screaming in pain and begging to stop. 

Author's Edit: YYYAAAAAAYYYY CHINA IS DONEEEE *Party popper* Also, one thousand, five hundred views? Damn... That's a lot... GREAT, NOW I FEEL GUILTY FOR NOT UPDATING ; -; Wait, so do I have all the Allies done now? Let me checkie... *I'm actually checking here* YES I HAVE DONE ALL THE ALLIES! WHOOP! Mmm, I feel like doing an Axis next... *Stares at Italy* Eheheh, I'm coming for you, Italy. YOU SHALL LOVE MEEEEEE!!!!!! *Cough* I MEAN THE READER SINCE THIS IS READER x COUNTRY NOT AUTHOR x COUNTRY ; -;


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