<A Rose> France

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I knew I'd have to do France sooner or later... Might as well get it done now.

**NOTE** This thread contains some very poorly translated French which TOTALLY was not  done by Google Translate. I am so sorry to anyone I might have offended .-.

You took in a deep inhale as you closed your eyes while you scattered your hand around inside. You felt what seemed to be something quite delicate and perhaps somewhat smooth brush against between your thumb and index finger. It almost made you feel incredibly happy like you knew this texture before. Alright, you've made your decision. You slowly pulled out the mysterious object to reveal it was a beautiful rose. A bright smile came across your face but immediately turned into despair as you suddenly realized who just stood up...

You literally just wanted to curl up into a tiny ball and just be left to die in a corner than do this with Francis. Wait, was this what he wanted to do all along!? You suddenly felt weightless as you felt Francis place his arms around you and pick you up bridal style as he carried you over to your walk-in wardrobe. "W-what are you doing!? Elizabeta! Help me!" you screamed as you watched Elizabeta go to grab a frying pan from your kitchen but just stand there after. "You do anything to her and you'll be dead next time I lay my eyes on you." she hissed in a harsh tone before slamming the door shut. "N-now put me down!" you yelled at the top of your lungs whist struggling to get out of Francis' iron grip.

Okay, time to be honest with yourself. All this time, you've been told never to get into a closed space or pratically anywhere near Francis alone. You've always been denying and never wanting to go near him and telling yourself that you hate him but... Really, the first time you saw him, you knew you always would like him. "Now, now, if you keep doing that you'll fall! Or is that what you want to happen?" he teased whilst giving one of his famous perverted winks. You immediately stopped struggling but instead buried your face towards his chest. His once perverted blue eyes widened and turned to an extremely sincere expression. 

You gave a tiny flinch as Francis started brushing his hand through your [h/l] [h/c] hair. It was then you knew that perhaps the others were wrong. Maybe behind his perverted looks and actions there was some truth to him and that everything else he has done has been a complete lie or fraud to cover himself in a way. "Je te aime beaucoup. Je ai toujours et je le ferai toujours." you heard him whisper into your ear. You had no idea what it meant since you didn't speak French but that didn't matter as you both shared a long passionate kiss together together without realizing that the others had already opened the door. Your face started to burn up with embarrassment at that moment of seeing everyone else watching you and Elizabeta suddenly whacking Francis around the head with the frying pan she brought before.


Le Time Skip


It had been a few weeks since the party of yours had occurred and you were relieved to find Francis was no longer acting like a complete pervert to everyone apart from you. Many of the other countries would constantly give you disapproving looks as they saw Francis holding your hand since you officially started dating the day after the party. You must admit, it was kind of embarrassing but it was worth getting to see the true side of Francis. His kind and passionate side many people thought he never had. 

Translation: Je te aime beaucoup. Je ai toujours et je le ferai toujours. "I love you very much. I always have and I always will." ~ Google Translate.

Author's Note: Yay! That's over! *Hides* Now please leave me alone! I know it was tragic and now I bet people want me to add sub-endings to my previous works because I did it for France's and not for anyone elses. Well, guess what? I WON'T! (Probably anyways...) Please, just no muffins! I beg of you! PLEASE!!!!

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