<A Lighter> 2P! Norway

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My first 2!p :3 Wow, the same character as the first for original and 2P! .-. Norway... Damn it... DAMN IT LUKAS!!!! Wait, Lukas or Loki? :3 *DUN DUN DUUUUUUN*

Country Names:

Loki = 2P! Norway

The entire room suspiciously became tense with a somewhat ghostly aura. It was almost like there was an ominous presence over-shadowing you; ready to take you in an instant. Peering in the corner of your eye, you noticed that everyone was just staring you down. It made you feel slightly uncomfortable. "I'm not entirely sure I want to do this..." you admitted sheepishly to Alfred who just patted you on the head and motioned you to just pick something and practically hope for the best. At this point, all you could do was abandon all regrets and muster up enough morale to just accept your fate. 

What felt like to be near millions of different textures brushing against your hand, you came to a complete shudder as you felt something near-freezing penetrate your skin. It sent shivers all over your body, not just of the temperature but of the fear of the object inside. It could be anything... Your head continuously pondered of all the things it could possibly be before you let out a deep sigh and peered at the small shape in your hand. It seemed to be a pocket lighter. You flipped the knob on the top and a tiny flame struck near. Even though it was a microscopic flame, what little heat it was giving out still warned your heart; making you especially happy for some reason. 

You stood on edge and you suddenly knew exactly who this was. "L-Loki? This is yours, isn't it?" you whimpered as he stood up in front of you. Loki was pretty much the same as Lukas but he had somewhat darker blonde hair with a distinctive burn mark trailing down the right side of his face. He was fairly intimidating but also extremely playful which clashed with his emotions and his actual sanity. It rattled your mind a little. "U-um... Do you mind leaving the flamethrower somewhere else?" you pleaded as you pointed directly at the weapon over his shoulder. "Anything for you..." he smugged, placing the flamethrower on a nearby table before cheerfully pouncing over to the walk-in wardrobe to join you. 

This was the most petrifying thing ever. Stuck in a confined space with a pyromaniac. With your breathing speeding up, you felt the up-most worst feeling; the need to sneeze. Not fear, no. Some dust must have triggered your nose to give you the feeling to sneeze. Without warning, you suddenly let out a high-pitched scream into your hands which seemed to have startled Loki quite the bit. "Sorry!" you quickly said to avoid any kind of conflict. A bright blush had somehow applied to your face in embarrassment of such events which made you look away shyly. "You're really cute." he considered after placing one of his hand against your jaw which forced you to stare at his semi-blue and purple eyes which made your developing blush worsen as you gazed at his partially burnt face. 

It made you feel horribly sympathetic and guilty for what had possibly happened to him. "I'm sorry for your burns..." You gave a slight sound of accidental wanting in the tone of your voice. "It doesn't matter as long as I have you. You love me, right?" Your eyes widened at this formidable statement. You weren't exactly sure if you did or you didn't. Most of the other countries always described him as a yandere and you should never come into contact of those they feel attracted to. One time, Arthur tried to speak to you and Loki almost singed his hair off! Never would you have guessed he actually had a passion for you. "O-of course I do..." After muttered that simple sentence, you felt his lips press heavily against yours. You never would have guessed he'd be such a good kisser... "If anyone tries to hurt you, I'll burn them to pieces." he whispered seductively in your ear. You just stood there silently as you nodded your head before the two of you shared a romantic kiss again.

You both parted away as you were soon blinded by the opening of the door from Francis. You could see Loki glancing at his flamethrower but you immediately grasped his hand before he could take action in place or him harming or killing someone. He gave a childish grin before giving a threat of "Anyone who comes near her, I will burn to a crisp without hesitation.". In the end of a short debate, you just ended up making everyone but Loki, who refused no matter what you said, leave. Looks like there's no way of grinding your way out of this formality...


Le Time Skip


After a while of trying to suppress Loki's urge to burn anything or anyone that came near you, you finally decided that you could just move in together. Naturally, you banned Loki from entering the kitchen at all costs, threw away all candles and made him only use his flamethrower outside. Come on, he only nearly burnt down the house six times! Lukas just seemed confused at how the two of you started a relationship in the first place since they were basically the same person just... One madder than the other... Though, you loved him for that and no matter how hard you tried, you knew you just couldn't take that away from him. 

One day, Loki started to teach you how to use a flamethrower which you felt completely uneasy about doing, let alone him doing it in the first place! Under the instructions of him, you learnt quickly and all you managed to achieve as a scar was just a burn across your arm which you only cried about for three hours! It felt like a real achievement for you! Well, not the crying part but you never expected you'd be able to even pick up the thing let alone let it loose. You knew you had a lot of fun to expect in the future from then on forwards. 

Author's Note: Yaaaaaaay! My first 2P! is done ; -; Yes, I know that picture for the media isn't Loki but it was the best one I could find in ten seconds before I got bored of searching. DEAL WITH IT! I mean... SORRY PLEASE DON'T THROW MUFFINS AT ME!! *Cries* Eheheheh... I deserve to be chained up for my crimes XD

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