Chapter 30

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Chapter 30.

Brooke's POV.

I have been throwing up, feeling dizzy and have had a killer headache for a week now and I'm not getting better.

El, Dani, and Perrie is coming over in an hour. They are going to 'watch' me as Harry says.

He won't let me be alone. There always have to be someone around me, if I'm going to pass out or throw up.

Harry is going to a interview, so he can't take care of me. But it's his job so I won't hold him back.

"Bye babe. I'm going now. See you later." Harry say and kiss my forehead.

"Bye. Do a great interview. Love you."

"Love you more. Get better." He kiss my forehead one last time before leaving.

Minutes later the girls come over.

"Hey girl. Are you feeling any better?" Danielle ask me.

"Sadly no. I think I got the flue or something." I say.

"Can I ask you a personally question?" Eleanor ask me.

"Yeah, I think so?" I say unsure.

"Have you slept with Harry?" She ask very seriously.

"Um.. Yeah." I blush. I hadn't expected the question to be that personal.

"Did you use protection?" Perrie ask. It's like they have rehearsed this or something.

"Um I'm not sure. I think so, but I don't remember it?" I say while I think hard. Did we use protection. I mean it was a spur of the moment thing. It just kinda happened.

"Okay, I'm gonna bye you a test." Eleanor say and walk out of the room.

"You girls really think I'm pregnant?" I ask. What if I am? How am I going to tell Harry? How will he react? Will he leave me?

So many questions go on in my head.

"Sweetie, the possibility is there. But now you just take the test when Eleanor gets back, okay. Then we take it from there." Danielle explain.

"What if I am? What do I do? I'm not ready to be a mom. What about Harry? What if he leaves me?" I panic, sobbing.

"Shh, he isn't going to leave you. It's not your fault, it's his too. Beside it's not sure you are pregnant. But we are going to be there for you, no matter what." Dani say smoothly as she hug me.

Perrie join the hug too. "Brooke, you just take the test and we figure it out after, okay?" She comfort me.

"Thanks girls." I smile. I have the best friends ever.

"I'm back!" Eleanor yell from the entrance. Seconds later she stands in the doorway of my bedroom, with a white plastic bag in her hand.

"I brought you three." She say and hand me the back.

I whip the tears away and take a deep breath. I stand up and go into my bathroom.

I read the instructions and pee on the three sticks. I place them on the counter, wash my hands and set the timer. Then I walk out.

"Did you take them?" Perrie ask.

I nod my head and sit on the bed. I put my head in my hands.

"I knew it was a bad idea to go out with him and fall in love with him." I sigh.

"Relax, we help you with this." Eleanor say.

"Hi girls. What's happening here, beside you being sick?" Katie ask as she walk in.

"We think Brooke is pregnant." Dani state.

"WHAT!?" She ask shocked. That was something she never would have guessed.

"But it was like, what two weeks ago. You can't be pregnant if you first get the symptoms now." She say all smarty like.

"Then the problems solved. Your not pregnant." Perrie say happily.

"No, the problems are not solved." I sigh. "We, um, kinda did it last week when we made up."

Beep beep.

Times up. Now I have to check the tests. I take a deep breath and stand up to go into the bathroom again.

I turn around to look at the girls faces. They are all looking at me expectingly.

"I can't do it." I break down in the middle of the room. They all rush towards me and hug me from all sides.

"Brookie, remember we are here for you. Take your time." Katie say calmly.

"Do you want one of us to look first?" She ask. I nod and she walk into the bathroom.

A few seconds after she comes out again, with one of the tests in her hand. She couches down in front of me and look me in the eyes.

"Babe, I think you should look at it. They are all the same." She smile slightly. Then she hand it to me.

I take one look at it before I begin to cry again. This can't be happening, I'm seeing things. I look at it again and read the eight letters word.


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